Goodbye for a long time

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Before we start, this is going to be a Lee Pace fanfiction, but everything is completely fictitious, nothing is real (even though I know somebody who wants it to be).

You put your suitcase out of the car
and hugged your family one last time before you left. It was about two o'clock in the morning when you headed to the smoking area outside the airport.
Breathing in the air of your homecountry for one last time you think about your destination: New Zealand!

As soon as you finished your cigarette you took your suitcase and headed inside the hall. You did not even have two wait in line to check in your luggage and get your flight ticket. Window seat, yesss!

You walked through the hallways of the airport, passed some windows and stopped to watch the stars.

You got yourself a latte macchiato and a sandwich and sat down to go through your journey again.

Half an hour before boarding you visited the restroom and checked your outfit and your brown hair. You wore a white shirt, olive green baggy pants and white shoes, your hair was up in a bun. You didn't wear any make-up that night but you were quite pretty anyway.

You got yourself a second coffee, went to the smoking area and waited for boarding.

Half an hour later you already found your seat on the plane right next to the window.

The plane started, the speed kept on getting up and suddenly you were pushed in your seat. You loved that feeling!
After reaching the perfect altitude, you grabbed your headphones and your mp3-player, started listening to your favourite music and watched the landscape and lights fade away.

This was the last time you saw your homecountry for six months. You left your home for an adventure, yet you did not know it would be that great!

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