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"I know who I had been before I slipped..."

Being under suicide watch was even more stressing than it should be. It shouldn't be as stressing as it was for Vic right now.

He was being watched constantly and it made his anxiety rise by a huge percentage. He felt that if he blinked, a nurse would come running straight into his room. And he hated that feeling.

He'd been on watch for over two weeks now and would be released the third week. It was nerve wrecking, to say the least. He was bored out of his mind, the four white walls surrounding him didn't make things any better.

His therapist was also a huge burden on a Vic. He asked very personal questions, even though it's his job, it made Vic feel uncomfortable to a huge extent. So he lied almost all of the time. Maybe all of the time.

Being surrounded by nothing but blank silence and plain walls made Vic's mind run once in a while, making him think about more things than one.

He thought about the time before he even met Kellin. He was just an ordinary guy who wanted to survive through the hardships of his life and get a good education. Love was almost never in his plans. While everyone was fooling around with sex and love, Vic was the odd one out who always put school and his grades first than anything else. Of course he did other things, but school was always his main priority.

And then, everything suddenly changed when his parents had to move and he had to change schools along with his younger brother. Mike ended up in the same class as Kellin, that's how the two met each other. Soon, they were hooked up.

Pretty much, Vic was extremely different from how he is now. Thanks to a certain pretty-eyed boy...

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