Chapter 3

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Hakaze sat on the edge of Yoshino's bed, watching him pack and occasionally making small comments. Her mind was still lingering on the events of earlier that day. If she tried really hard, she could still feel his strong arms around her waist, almost in a protective manner--

"Where will be staying for the duration of the trip?" Yoshino's voice pierced through Hakaze's daydreaming, causing her to shake a bit.

"Oh, a five-star suite in a city called New York." She swung her legs back and forth, trying to relieve her anxiety of just being alone in a room with him.

"Sounds good to me..." He gingerly picked up his old cell phone off the nightstand, examining the dark screen one last time before tossing it in the trashcan.

"Why did you throw that away? We won't be able to communicate without our cell phones!" Hakaze scrutinized Yoshino, trying to see past his neutral expression.

"I got a new one," Yoshino zipped up his blue book bag, taking one final look at his bedroom for any items he might've missed. "I've also decided that it's about time to move on."

"Move on...?" Hakaze repeated to herself. A few moments later, she then realized that he was most likely talking about the pictures of Aika he had saved on the phone and their texts. Was he so willing to throw all of that away just for an ordinary girl like me?

"Yes, move on," Yoshino hopped onto the bed, sitting extremely close to Hakaze. He gently took her hand in his and gazed up at her with those mesmerizing eyes of an angel. "After all, I have you now, don't I?"

"I-I suppose you do."

Hakaze immediately regretted what she said after seeing the hurt look on Yoshino's face. "You 'suppose?'"

Hakaze shook her head frantically. "I-I didn't mean it that way! You do have me now, and you'll have me forever. I promise, I'll never leave you, Yoshino."

Yoshino shook his head and let her hand slip away. "Not if you-- I mean, I'm scared, Hakaze... I really am... I--"

"I'm a strong woman," Hakaze let out a laugh at her own humorless attempt to reassure him. "I can defend myself. I don't think I'll be dying in some mysterious way anytime soon."

"I sure do hope so," Yoshino slung his book bag across his shoulders. "Okay, enough of that talk. Let's go see if Mahiro's ready now."

Minutes later, Yoshino, Mahiro and Hakaze were standing on the sidewalk with all of their luggage, waiting quite impatiently for a taxi.

"This bag is killing me." Mahiro hefted his sports bag up onto his shoulder again after it had slid off and hit the ground with a loud thump.

"I told you not to bring your laptop and all of those other electronics," Yoshino rolled his eyes. "Anyways, it's your own fault if you dislocate your shoulder from all that weight. I'm definitely not hanging out with you at the hospital this time."

"Seems like you're in a good mood today, buddy." Mahiro mimicked Yoshino's frowning expression and his words. "I'm not hanging out with you, blah, blah, blah!'"

"Yoshino! Cheer up!" Hakaze protested in a high-pitched, whiny voice.

"Oh, there's a taxi!" He shouted while waving his arms frantically, not acknowledging Hakaze or Mahiro.

Hakaze wasn't sure whether or not to be hurt from Yoshino ignoring her as she placed her suitcase in the trunk while Mahiro gave the driver directions. He's incredibly good at sending mixed signals... She stepped into the musty-smelling taxi and took a seat right by the window.

A light drizzle had begun as they drove along in silence, with Yoshino squished in the middle seat between Mahiro and Hakaze like a human sandwich of some sort. The silence soon grew unnerving. The only sound was the steady pitter-patter of raindrops upon the taxi's roof. Hakaze thought that she couldn't stand it anymore until Mahiro spoke-- or rather, yelled-- up.

"Get off my lap!" He was referring to Yoshino, who was, indeed, halfway sitting on his lap. "Go sit on your girlfriend's!"

"It's not my fault that this place is so cramped." Yoshino held onto the back of the front seat for support as he tried his best to move himself away from Mahiro.

Mahiro gave a satisfied smile and nod. "There we go."

Yoshino brought his hands onto his lap and hunched over in an effort to shrink himself. After doing so, he let out a heavy sigh. "I don't live to please you, y'know."

"Oh, I've noticed that already," Mahiro lazily leaned his head far back onto the headrest. "In fact, I've noticed it when you made that terrible food."

"The 'terrible' food I make? You've used that insult one too many times already! How about trying another one for a change?"

Hakaze couldn't help but giggle to herself. The way that they were acting was so naïve. It wasn't the proper behavior of mature sixteen-year olds; it was more like two little grade school boys. She quickly held her arm up to her mouth in order to block out the escaping giggles.

Mahiro twisted his head around to Hakaze's direction, his blonde hair flying across his face in one quick movement. "What's so funny?" His smile turned into a scowl.

"The way you guys argue," She replied, her voice partially muffled by her jacket sleeve. "It's just hilarious to me... I don't even know why."

"Maybe you're just going insane." Mahiro said, folding his arms over his chest.

Hakaze turned to Yoshino and put on a bright smile. "I'm not going insane... Am I, Yoshino-kun?"

"Hmm? I think you're perfectly fine." He smiled back, brushing a loose piece of hair from his eyes.

"See... I'm not insane." She turned back to Mahiro with a flip of her long, pink hair.

"Of course, Yoshino would think you're not insane," He glanced out the window as if he wanted to jump and escape from the two. "He's obligated to say that you're not insane. After all, you two are dating now, am I right?"

"Uh..." Hakaze snuck a look at Yoshino out of the corner of her eye. He was staring at the ceiling and fiddling with the hem of his coat. "Well, I'm not exactly--"

Mahiro didn't wait for an answer. "So it's official! You two are dating."

Hakaze blinked. "What? I didn't--"

"Mahiro, please..." Yoshino lowered his head into his hands. Hakaze wasn't sure if it was out of humiliation or exasperation.

Mahiro chuckled and patted Yoshino a bit too strongly on his back. "Alright, alright, I'll stop right there. Besides, I need some rest. It's not like I don't have anymore good comebacks anythin'..."

Hakaze closed her eyes and leaned against the window. "Just shut it, Mahiro-san." However, her tone was mocking and elated at the same time. Who knows... Maybe this trip won't be a total disaster. Besides, these are the first two people that I opened up to and trusted with every speck of my being. They understand and respect me, although, sometimes they may be just a tiny bit rude. I should be thankful that fate had blessed me with such good companions-- no, best friends. Now that I think about it, I wouldn't trade them for the world.

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