Chapter 8: Wow

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Aah! A good night sleep is just what I needed. I better get ready for a great day... at least, I hope today's a good day.
I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and quickly put some nice clothes on. I think this turquoise dress will do. I went out of my room to eat some breakfast. When I passed by Jack's door, I was debating with myself whether or not I should wake him up. I decided not to, so I went to the kitchen.

"Morning Elsa!" Anna greeted me

"Morning Anna" I said back.

"Where's Jack?"

"Where's Kristoff?"

"Jack's still asleep"

"So is Kristoff".

"Your majesties" Pauline said "Your meals are served".

"Thank you Pauline" Anna and I said in unison. Pauline bowed and walked away.

"Let's get eating!!" Anna shouted as she ran towards the table.

I giggled "Right behind you little sis"

"Mmm, this food is so good" Anna said

"I agree with you lil' sis" I said eating another spoonful.
I wonder how Jack is doing. Maybe I'll wake him up after breakfast.
I finally finished eating.

"Anna, I'm going to wake Jack up. Do you mind if a go ahead?"

"Sure Elsa".

When I arrived at Jack's room door, I knocked on it.

*knock knock*

"Jack?" No answer.

So I just went ahead and opened the door. Huh, that's strange. His clothes and staff are on his bed but his not here. Hmmm.....

After 6 more minutes of waiting, I just realized he took a shower.

I saw wearing nothing but a towel and he was all wet.

I was in shock "I... I'm sorry. I didn't you were busy with something. You weren't answering so I went ahead and entered your room and..."

I could see that Jack was in shock too, but he suddenly turned calm. "Shush Elsa. It's okay. Sorry for not answering you when you were knocked. I didn't hear you when I was taking a shower" Jack said with a calm tone.

"I-I'll go outside your door so you can get dressed" I said slowly walking outside his room.


After I woke up, I decided to take a shower. Aah, a good shower did the trick. When I went out of the bathroom, I suddenly saw Elsa standing just beside my door. To be honest, I was just as shocked as she was, but I decided not to show it.

"I...I'm sorry. I didn't know you were busy with something. You weren't answering so I went ahead and entered your room and-" I cut her off.

"Shush Elsa. It's okay. Sorry for not answering you when you knocked. I didn't hear you when I was taking a shower" I said calmly.

"I-I'll go outside your door so you can get dressed" Elsa said still in shock as she slowly went outside my room.

~After 8 minutes~

"Okay Elsa, I'm done" I said as I opened my door.

"Ok good" Elsa said as she entered my room again. "You should let me know the next time you're taking a shower".

"How? Like leaving a note on my door? Isn't that awkward to the other people around here?" I said raising an eye brow.

"I don't know, can we just change the topic now already" Elsa said.

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