August 30/31 2012

44 6 13

Dear Diary,

I was watching South Park today. School starts tomorrow, I'm not exited at all. Yet, I'm 10

Ugh, I just wish there was no school. And I couldn't hang out with my friends all the time.

My brother Flint is 2 years older than me, yet he hasn't got a date yet. I wish that there would be no cares in the world.

Nothing at all, but my mom said that's impossible. Because there would be no money, and no food

Well yeah mom, try living in my shoes for a day. I get bullied at school all the time AND YOU NEVER GIVE A CRAP!!

I better stop writing, I'm starting to tear up.

Stay Weird


Dear Diary,

School just got out, it was so boring! Everyone had an amazing summer while I  had to get this stupid diary!

My twin Willow nicknamed me Tweek today. Why? I had 4 cups of coffee for breakfast.

Then my luck, I was spazzing out all day. But I'm ok now, hopefully.

Flint has been texting his friends a lot lately. One day, I hope we can go to a new school.

New faces, new friends. I just wish that we could.

Stay Weird

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