Chapter 4

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Brittons outfit^

Britton's pov: I wake up and feel strong arms around me. I turn and see my mate asleep. When I try to sit up he only tightens his grip.

"Matthew I need to get ready" I whine and try to pry his arms off of me.

"No your mine" he purrs in a sexy morning voice.

"Sure. Can I go get dressed now?" I asked

"Fine" he sighs and I get out of his grip.

"Are you going to talk to my sister today?" I asked.

"I will when your ready. Because I need you to come to the pack house so you can meet my parents and my beta" he smiles.

"Awe the big bad alpha wants me to meet his family?" I giggle as I pinch his cheek.

"Don't ever do that again" he growls playfully.

"Why are you so grumpy?" I asked with a giggle.

"Because my mate woke me up" he groans as he closes his eyes again.

"Fine I'll just go get ready and leave you alone than" I say trying to act serious as I stand up from the couch. As I'm about to start walking. I feel hands grip my hips and pull me back onto the couch.

"No get back over here" he growls playfully.

I giggle and look at a smiling Matthew.

"What do you want now?" I roll my eyes playfully.

"Don't roll your eyes at me missy" he smirks.

Before I can answer, he presses his lips to mine. I kiss back and tangle my fingers in his hair.

Our lips move in sync as I feel sparks shoot threw my whole body. My stomachs starts to clench with need and want. He grabs my hips and we both pull away for air.

"You smell good babe" he smirks.

"Fuck" I curse, I forgot he'd be able to smell my arousel.

I place my lips on his quickly and than pull away again.

"Now can I go get dressed?" I giggled and stood up.

"I'll see you in like 10 minutes" I smile and walk up to my room.

I strip out of my clothes and bra and panties. I walk to my closet and grab a pair of hot pink lace panties and a black lace bra with hot pink details.

I put them on and than slip on the dress I picked out and than slip on nude heels.

I brush than lightly curl my hair. I put on mascara and a bit of powder. Than I walk to the top of the stairs to see my mom listening to someone talking at the top of the stairs. I giggle and stand next to her.

"What are you listening to?" I whisper.

"Your sister and the Alpha" she shushes me.

"Excuse me?" I hear Dawns voice.

"We need to break up" Matthew says.

"And why is that?" Dawn asked.

"I found my mate" he says, I could tell he was slightly smiling.

"How could you have found your mate in the middle of the night?" Dawn sounds angry.

"I actually founder her last night before the dinner." He says.

"Who?" She shrieked.

"Your sister" he says. You could hear pride hidden in his voice which made me smile.

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