"Jo," The other reminded me of Declan with her smirk.

"Johanna," Her mother clarified. "This is my husband, Jeremiah."

I shook all of their hands and gave them my warmest smile. "I'm glad to see a family. It's such a rare thing these days."

"Yeah," Jane agreed. "You poor kids. How old are you?"

"Eighteen," The boys said together.

"Nineteen," Tristan replied.

"Old enough," I sat down on the chair next to Declan. He tilted his head to look at me. His eyes said it plainly; you and Alex have to talk. "Would you give Alex and I a second?"

"Sure," Jane said warmly. "Take your time, sweetheart."

Alex followed me down the hall into my room and shut the door. I sat down and took an awkward breath in. This would be awkward...


"Doyoulikemeorsomething?" I blurted. He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh," His cheeks flushed as he stared at his lap. "I'm- I have someone else."

Whew! That makes life easier... That's why Tristan is all for Declan and I- he knows about Alex's girl.

"Is she alive still?" I asked softly.

"I hope," He played with his jacket zipper. "You know Christina Young right? She had History class with you."

Christina Young was an athletic brunette with a bubbly personality. Layla had spoken to her a couple times. As soon as it clicked, I knew exactly who he was talking about and thought about how cute they'd be together. Knowing that he wasn't flirting with me definitely helped- I only saw him as a friend.

"I'm sorry if I led you to believe anything. I just see you as a great friend," Alex pulled me into a hug. "You and Declan are so alike sometimes it's a match made in heaven."

I shook my head. "Whatever. I'm just glad to have that cleared up." I don't act like that pig, he's stubborn and harsh- oh. I'm both of those too. Crap.

I never saw him as anything but friends, so it helped to know he wasn't pursuing a dead-end crush with me. Sure, there were moments I got all teenage girly, but I didn't keep the attitude for very long.

"Did I lead you on?" He winced, hoping that I wasn't hurt.

"Sorta. I just didn't want you to think that I liked you like that- That's why I asked," I shrugged, standing up to head back out. "I hope you and Christina end up together. We'll find her."

"Thanks, Imogen," He stood up to leave. "Declan cares a lot. Just know that."

I paused after he left. Could it be true? I thought for so long he hated me- but now his actions were contradicting and jumbling my brain into alphabet soup.

"There's another colony," Jeremiah was saying when I re-entered the room. "They- they think that the Creatures are a sign that only the pure should repopulate. Basically they're selling young ladies as wives so they can start the process. They k-i-d-n-a-p-p-e-d my wife." I knew he spelled the word because his daughters wouldn't get it.

"Wow," I breathe out. "That's awful."

"They have a high functioning building and everything. Power and water. They make it look like it's a good place but they're really corrupt," Jane shuddered. "Be careful, Imogen. They just take people off the streets because they need more kids in their base."

I shivered at the thought of being sold so I could help repopulate. Kids are loud and don't make it very long. If I were a mother- I'd have to take care of them and risk watching them die. The thought hurt me all over.

The Dead Side ° horror ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ