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James POV:

My story is quite bad if you don't mind. I held her in a barn in the dark she never yelled or talked to me after I said I was the father and I didn't talk to her either. If you are thinking that I'm the father then answer is no I'm not. I'm her long time friend in middle school. Alright so here's the story.

I sat in class and she was talking to her boyfriend and to be honest I was jealous so I went up to them to make a move on her to like me.

"Oh jimmy... didn't know you were in this class" Courtney said frowning but I laughed.

"Great joke" I said but Courtney boyfriend gave me a look like "touch her. you die" so I backed off. I thought first thing that I thought she liked me when she smilies at me. It was only her bf behind me.

We dated when we where in 8th grade for a whole year and I was planning to marry her but here's the thing we where in 8th grade so it wasn't real but I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her until one day...

" Jimmy! How are you babe!" She says kissing me and I smile

"Long time so see... now Courtney let's sit down and talk for a sec" I say first laughing then sitting down but she didn't want to sit down instead she frowned. "we are not going to break up I promise but it's something else I need to talk care of that you need to think about"

I think that scared her.

"Alright well mm let's see I don't need to think about anything with you anymore" she says sitting down mad. "what?"

"I want to marry you Courtney" I say smiling hold out a ring from Kay but she didn't react to anything. She frowned.

"We are in eighth grade don't you think th-" she started but I sat up straight and stopes her.

"I just don't want to break up, when we get older I do really want to marry you Courtney" I say holding her hands and she frowned once again.

"I'm sorry jimmy but I don't feel the same for you, I don't want a fake marriage. Look I have to go to school soon but still... leave me alone"

I scared her. I made her feel happy. But now I'm garbage that everybody throws out.

Jimmy! I have once felt the same thing as jimmy felt but if wasn't about a fake marriage or whatever 😂.

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