Chapter 5

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He had wasted the perfect opportunity to tell the Prince how he was really feeling, and hoped that the Prince wouldn't take what he'd done the wrong way, making a promise to himself that he would tell him at the next opportunity.  

But the opportunity never came.

For the week after Kanda had run out on the Prince the royal little shit avoided him at all costs, at first refusing to leave his room or let anyone in, but even when that passed he avoided the Wizard's eye at meal times, taking the back ways of the castle the Wizard didn't know well enough to take.

At the time he had left the younger to his devices, thinking he was probably angry with his father and just wanted his space, something Kanda was trying to respect in hopes that he was doing the right thing and not screwing up how the Prince felt towards him.

Allen thought that maybe the less they saw of each other the better, that Kanda didn't want to see him, and after a week of the man silently giving him his space the Prince's heart was aching brokenly. He wasn't sleeping well, neither was the Wizard, both of them mulling over the other in their heads. Allen couldn't figure out for the life of him why the Wizard had pulled away and the Wizard's brain, in turn, refused to spend a night without seeing the hurt in the Moyashi's eyes in that regretful moment. 

One morning at the end of that first week they had been sitting around the table at breakfast, eating quietly as it was the recent normal with the Moyashi's father in the room, when a uniform clad Lavi burst rudely through the doors and announced that Kanda's mother had arrived.

He nearly choked on his eggs, the thin elegant woman actually literally floating into the room like a phantom, wearing her favorite forest green dress.

"Mana!" She had exclaimed upon laying her happy eyes on the King, the man standing from his seat with a more regal greeting, meeting her as she touched down, heels clicking against the stone floor.

When she noticed Kanda she had rushed up to her boy, wrapping his head in a large hug since he refused to stand, grabbing his face harshly with her long light green painted nails.

The Prince had risen he eyebrows in surprise at the scene, looking to Lavi, who shrugged innocently.

"Mother!" Kanda had growled at the woman, knowing that fighting was a worthless effort, she was stronger than he was anyway being almost forty-five yet looking not a day over 22.

"Your Uncle Komui is here too," She said turning towards the King without letting go of her son's cheek, "I've brought a wedding planner that knows the magic culture enough to be able to incorporate some of the important elements into the usual human traditions, I hope that's okay?"

She said the almost question with a warm smile, yet she still held this menacing aura only a mother could hold, and the King smartly just agreed that the planner would be a welcome, that he hadn't found one yet anyways.

And then she spotted Allen, much to Kanda's dismay.

"And this must be my future son-in-law! Goodness, how handsome you are boy, such a tragedy that is, a waste on my son is what you are!"

Allen immediately felt his cheeks heat from the compliments, Kanda's mother flying across the table to take him into a similarly bone crushing hug as the one she'd given her son, ignoring the guards who tensed and watched Mana for any orders.

"T-Thank you?" The Moyashi stuttered, unsure as to whether or not he should be taking such back handed praising.

"Mom! What the hell?!" Kanda growled loudly.

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