Chapter 4

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The door that slammed behind Prince Allen echoed around the dinning room, the last sound before a bout of silence, leaving the air so thick that every limb in the room felt heavy and weighted down. 

The three men left in the room combined couldn't think of a word to say, King Mana gazing down guiltily looking as if it was his heart that had been broken, Kanda standing in angry silence, Knight Lavi staring at the spot Allen used to be with a shell shocked glaze over his emerald orbs.

It took seconds before Kanda couldn't stand it anymore, damning them and their silence, he wouldn't just stand there and fume like a powerless child, no, not when he was the strongest individual in the room.

"Che," He scoffed, shaking his head in disapproval at the King before shooting a judging glare in Lavi's direction.

"Oi! Baka Usagi!"

The Knight shook his head out of his empty trance, glancing over at the Wizard and his strange language, the King not moving a hair, looking as if he was barely breathing in his seat.

"Come with me."

Strongly he strode over to the large double doors the Prince had disappeared through, pausing as he placed a hand against the fine wood, glancing back over his shoulder at the King.

"You and I, your majesty, will have a little talk about this later."

His voice was threatening and full of all his rightful anger and distaste, the words spit in the King's direction like they tasted sour and awful on the Wizard's lips, His Majesty chancing a sorry glance up to piercing blue eyes.

Promise was all he could see, even though he could feel the other mans blue flame of unhappiness, he could not see it's reflecting in the mask the wizard wore over his emotions.

Mana swallowed thickly, nodding in agreement with the Wizard - that they would indeed have a talk later - and with a motion also encouraged Lavi to follow the man that was now to be considered the Prince's fiance.

Kanda stepped out of the beautiful room and into the elegantly decorated hall, not bothering to wait for the redhead, demanding the servants manning the doorways to tell him which way the Prince had stormed.

He had made it halfway down the hall before Lavi caught up to his almost jogging pace.

"Where are you going?" Lavi asked him breathlessly as he struggled to keep up beside him.

"To the Prince's chambers."

"What?! But-!"

"Damn it Usagi! Your his 'best friend'," he said accusingly, skidding to a stop at the end of the hall, highlighting his ideas on there friendship with a mocking tone, "you should know better then I that the Moyashi needs someone right now, and his father's not an option."

"I- I-..." he hated to admit it but the dumb wizard had a point, Allen was angry, angrier then he'd seen in a long time, it wouldn't be good for him to just hole himself up in his room.

"...Yeah, I- your right, I just was a little shocked, Allen's never pushed me away like that before." Yes, Allen had been mad at him before, and sometimes had shrugged him off, but he'd never slapped his hand away, never rejected comfort with violence, that wasn't the kind of person Allen was, he would never use violence unnecessarily.

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