"Fine. My mother's boyfriend wouldn't leave. I just asked the police to order him to go. It's no big deal." I shrugged.

"Boyfriend? Did they get together recently? What's his name?" Tate asked rapidly.

My eyebrows lifted up in surprise. "Does it really matter?"

Tate narrowed his eyes at me again and I sighed.

"Yes, they got together recently. His name is Norman Bates. Why do you care?"

Tate walked towards my open window. "Goodnight, Luna."

He jumped out of the window.

I think my eyes almost popped out of my head. I ran to the window just in time to see him jogging towards the road.

Who does he think he is? Edward Cullen?


The next morning, my mother was back to being her usual fake self.

"Would you like me to make you waffles, dear? I have some time before I have to be at work." Her sugary sweet voice was like nails on a chalkboard.

"I can work a toaster myself." I shot at her as I reached into the freezer for the Eggo's. My mother brushed off my snappiness and shrugged.

"If you say so, sweetie. Don't forget to come home right after school. I'm making chicken and rice tonight."

I didn't even bother answering her.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my backpack. I was downstairs just in time for my waffles to pop up in the toaster.

I heard a car horn outside. Crap, that must be Marie. I must be running late.

I put my waffles on a paper plate. Looks like there will be no syrup for me. Sigh.

I quickly rushed outside. I heard my mother yell after me to have a good day as I closed the front door behind me.

I expected to see my best friend's red Subaru, but in its place was a black pickup truck. Conner's black four-door pick-up truck to be more specific. I saw my best friend in the passenger seat. Conner's platinum blonde hair was a huge contrast to Marie's. Her faded pink hair was now the same turquoise as her eyes.

I groaned. So much for avoiding the stupid gangbangers.

I walked over to the truck and opened the backseat.

"Hey, Lulu!" Marie said, cheerfully. "My car wouldn't start this morning, so I called Jackson and he sent Conner to give us a ride."

"Okay. I like your hair." I knew if I didn't mention her new hair color, she'd get annoyed at me. I do like her hair though. That's not a lie. Marie is so bold with everything in her life, from the way that she acts to the way that she dresses. On anyone else, Marie's personality would be too much, but somehow, she pulls it off. I can't help but to be a little envious of that.

I ate the dry waffle, which was kind of gross, on the way to school. Marie happily rambled on about some mean prank she pulled on her lab partner. You never really need the radio on when Marie is in the car. Her stories are so much more entertaining than any song or radio host could be.

Conner pulled into the parking lot of the school. Tate, Jackson, and Josh were already leaning against the side of the building.

Conner parked and we all got out of the car. Marie was already making her way towards the guys. "Hey, Marie!" I shouted after her.

She stopped walking and turned around.

"I have to go to the library. Catch you later." I tried to give her a smile. I wasn't really sure I succeeded until she smiled back.

"Okay. See you at lunch, Lu." I walked in the opposite direction as her.

I don't know why was surprised when Conner trailed silently after me at a safe distance.


Hey guys!

While I do have a plan for this book, I'd like to know what you guys want to happen, like little things that won't last more than a chapter or two. Example: Luna getting detention for something or something to do with the boys. If I choose your idea, I'll dedicate that chapter to you. 

I'm feeling the rush to get this book done with the Wattys growing closer and closer every day. I'm very torn on whether or not to enter this story. 

 Even though school starts up again tomorrow, I'm going to make an effort to start updating more frequently. 


~Anubis xx

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