The next morning

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Ohayo= Good morning
Arigato= Thank you
Your POV
I woke up to an arm wrapped around me. I was a little scared but remembered that I fell asleep at Kishinuma's apartment.
*Yawn* I heard Kishinuma yawn from behind me.
"Ohayo, (Y/N)." He yawned out after he saw me.
"Ohayo, Kishinuma, I greeted back before I asked " did you sleep well last night?"
"Yeah I did. How about you?" He asked back.
"Good." That's when I noticed that I wasn't in his living room anymore but in his bedroom.
"Why am I in your room?" I asked him.
"Well you fell asleep on me so I wasn't going to let you just sleep there," he said then continued " so I carried you to my room them you wouldn't let me leave so I just stayed with you." by the time he finished he had a light blush on his face.
"Oh okay." I said "arigato.
Yoshiki POV
Phew that was close.
I didn't want to tell her what I said before she went to sleep. I'm actually glad she didn't remember.
"So do you want some breakfast?" I asked her.
"Sure that's fine with me." (Y/N) said.
With that being said I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for the two of us.
"I didn't know you cooked." (Y/N) said from behind me.
"Well I kind of had to learn because I live by myself so.....yeah." I looked away as I said it because it was embarrassing.
"That's amazing most of the guys I know don't even know how to make eggs on the stove," (Y/N) paused then continued "they usually put in a plastic Ziploc bag and microwave it."
That's how I began making eggs at first but I got over that and started using the stove.
That is what I wanted to tell her but just laughed at what she said.
Both POV
This is going to be an awkward day.
So homework.......we have a highschool placement test coming up really really soon...... Now that that's all cleared up I hope you guys liked the chapter and my updates will be all out of whack, and please don't kill me.Until next time.

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