A Meeting At The Park

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Your POV
Morishige Sakutoro was with him. I will never say this out loud but I see him as the school nerd.
I have no clue what he would do to me if I call him that.
''Hey Mochida, Morishige.'' I greeted them both.
''Hey (Y/N)-san. I'm glad you came.'' Mochida said to me as he took out his phone.
He told me that we were going over one of his others friends house because it was getting late and cold outside. I think there is another reason but I can't put my finger on it.
Well it is the middle of fall. Buurrrrr I should have worn a sweater.
Suddenly we were in front of an apartment complex.
Hmmmmm. I wonder who lives in an apartment by themselves.
We were going up the stairs to the third floor because the building is so old that it doesn't have an elevator.
''Here we are (Y/N).'' Morishige said.
Room 3-C. I'll remember this address and room number.
I know I sound like a stalker but I have no choice. What if it's some perv? I need to know where they live.
Yoshiki POV
I heard a knock on the door and went to go open it when I head a familiar voice.
'' Whose house is this Mochida.'' (Y/N) said.
Oh my god Satoshi I'm going to kill you.

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