Men's Club

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"They have clubs for men?" She asked and I nodded. "And their mothers and sisters let them go there?" She said and I nodded.

"Thats absurd. A man belongs at home helping around the house until he is married off. Even then his wife shouldn't let him go out. A group of men is utter chaos and bloody competition." She said and I couldn't agree more.

"Competitive war zones. Its more of a bar actually. It is full of prostitutes." I said and she raised a eyebrow at me. It was a term know only on the dark side of towns. Very very rare to find.

"What is that?"

As soon as we stepped in she knew exactly what it was. They looked at our uniforms and thought we where part of the show. "With all due to respect, men. I need to speak with the owner of this place." I said and looked around and sighed. How did men expect to get any rights at all if they acted like complete animals. All this rivalry and ego on simple things like arm wrestles. It was pathetic.

I walked to the bartender and she looked us up and down. "You don't seem to like what you see. I know it looks horrible." She said and poured out a few glasses and slid them down the bar. "They don't tend to use the right head so they leave one hell of a tip." She said as we went down a hall. You could barely breath, so much sweat and pollution in that room.

"Imagine if those were the ones signing our pay checks?" I said and she winced. "The world would be in chaos."

I knocked on the door and looked at my watch. "Madam Rouge. This is la police." I said and the door opened and our eyes went up. The man stood at the frame and looked down at us. Slightly he wasn't that much taller. Maybe around the same size as our back up. "What do you want?" He asked and I exchanged looks with my partner. I had never seen such man that size and I had tackled down some pretty big monsters in my days in the force.

"We need to speak to Madam Rouge. The owner. Is she your wife, mother, sister?"

"I am the owner." He said and I exchanged looks with my partner and looked up again. "My apologies Monsieur for the mistake. Can we speak with you?" I said and he rolled his eyes and turned his back. He walked away and motioned us in. I was a bit surprised, but I guess if a man was to ever own something it would be a place as lusty as this one.

"What do you need?"

"You need to shut this place down. Your costumers shouldn't even be here. We understand the psychology of the male but the state that these men return to their homes is absurd. And we ask of you to add blinds to the windows because people can see from outside."

"Well. What if I don't want to?"


"This isn't fair! Let me go! Let me Go!" He tried to struggle out of the two cops but he was no chance for a woman. Yes he was bigger than me but that was it. All the men were on their knees with their hands locked behind their hands to see it was safe to go home.

"Of course it is. A man cant own a business because this is the stuff that happens. We came out and their was a huge fight. Do you have any female to bail?" I said and he stood there taking heavy breaths. "No...they are all dead."

Of course our hearts broke a bit when we heard that. Our maternal instinct was to take in a lost cub. But I had to do my job. A man owning a business was chaos. Ridiculous, preposterous, absurd.

"You will just have to do your time. You men belong at home building furniture, operating machines and fertilizing gardens. Not owning a business. Your minds can never focus! Especially with that type of environment." My partner said and he glared at us as they carried him to the van.

"Mark my words. One day men will have as much rights as you females or even more." He aid and we all exchanged looks then started laughing. "Wow- last time we let a man have rights he invented a bomb and wanted to declare war on Japan. You guys can only plant seeds. You're too mentally weak. Take him away!"

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