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You Were Mine: Prologue

[Written By: @AlexandraJoy]

A tuft of soft blonde hair brushed against my neck as the natural brunette above me burrowed his head into it, simultaneously wriggling his fingers against my sides.

"N-N-Nialler, stop!" I sputtered between giggles, hardly able to express my anger towards him for tickling me through the tight smile on my lips.

"What are the magic words, Rory?" He chuckled deeply as he continued to dig his cold fingers into my jumper covered sides.

"N-n-no!" I yelled valiantly. Fidgeting like mad, throwing my head all about in a fit of laughter, and trying to push the relatively small boy off of me was certainly not working.

"Then I ain't stopping!" His hot breath spilled down my neck as he continued tickling me from above, further pressing me into the plaid blanket underneath us.

"F-fine! Niall Horan is the b-best boyfriend in I-Ireland." I hardly managed to spit out.

A triumphant smile began to appear on his pink lips and his fingers slowed, though they didn't quite stop.

"In Ireland?" He smirked, quickening the pace of his exploratory fingers once more, causing me to squeal.

I attempted to ignore his question, turning my face to the left and pressing it against the fleece blanket underneath me. My long caramel colored hair flicked about with the turn of my head, lightly brushing against Niall's reddened face that was looming centimeters above mine.

Slowly but surely, I'd defeated the stubborn boy. The arm he'd been holding himself up with as he attacked me with the other, weakened, and he laid himself back down next to me. He let out a disappointed huff and I couldn't help but feel my vanilla chapstick coated lips curl into a small smile.

"Niall Horan is the best boyfriend in the world." I put emphasize on the word 'world', rolling myself onto my other side so I could face him.

He mirrored my action, revealing a pink tinge on his cheeks and a newfound sparkle in his undeniable blue eyes. Leaning in with the same expression, he placed the daintiest kiss on my lightly freckled nose. After pulling away and fluttering his eyes back open, he simply placed his forehead on mine, our skin sticking slightly together. Scooting myself further towards him, he repositioned himself so he could wrap his coat clad arm around me.

"Looks like it's gunna rain, eh?" He quarried in the accent we shared, swishing his mouth from side to side with a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

"I 'spose so." I stated, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck as I felt his arm travel lower down my petite back, his hand opening fully and pressing me tighter against him.

"What else can you expect of Mullingar during the summer? It's always chucking down rain. I thought we'd picked a good day to lay out here, sorry my judgement sucks, Ror." He sounded deeply apologetic, like he'd ruined the whole day.

"Hey," I pressed my lips against his neck sweetly, feeling him tense up as I did so. "Today's still been wonderful, Nialler. We're together aren't we?" He turned slightly so he could look me straight in the eyes.

"I 'spose you're right, love. I just wanted this last week to be perfect, yunno?" His face fell into a frown and I couldn't help but reach out to gingerly stroke his cold cheeks.

"Any time we spend together is perfect. Don't worry about me." Briefly pressing my slick lips against the cheek I'd been stroking, I heard him release a small laugh. "Aren't you excited?" I asked brightly, in attempts to perk him up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2013 ⏰

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