A Message.

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I'm not sure if this is the best chapter, I'm sorry if Rowan isn't entirely "in character" but I did my best. Again, opinions, ideas, polite criticism.

Rowan Whitethorn walked up to the castle gates. He couldn't believe Aelin's plan. How did she get it into her head that something as crazy as this would work? The royal family wouldn't agree to this, it would send their people into chaos. He had to have faith in Aelin. She was his queen and Carranam . He scoffed, she was going to milk that for all its worth, he could see it now.

As Rowan reached the gates, the guards tensed.
"I have a message for the Royal family." He said, holding up the envelope.
The guards looked at him for a moment, then one shakily took a step towards him,
"W... Who are you?" One asked him, slightly trembling. Of course they were afraid of him. He fought the urge to roll his eyes.
"My name is Rowan Whitethorn." He growled, hating that he had to tell them. The guard shrunk back slightly.
"I'm s, sorry sir. B, but we aren't to l, let anyone in." The other guard stuttered.
Rowen grumbled a string of curses under his breath. Just as he was about to speak, he heard the people on the street go quiet and then start clapping and cheering. Crown prince, Galan Ashryver.

The prince rode towards the gate smiling and waving. When he saw Rowan, his smiled faded and his hand froze for a moment, but then he resumed waving and smiling while always keepig a weary eye on the fae standing by the gates.
When the prince reached the gates he hopped down from his horse, the people still cheering. Rowan noticed that the prince kept his hand on the hilt of his sword, just in case. The guards stood straight and bowed at the hips.
"Your majesty."they both said simultaneously, the prince nodded to them to rise and turned to Rowan.
"What is your purpose here, Fae?"
Rowan, again fought the urg to roll his eyes, why did Aelin have to pick him, he grumbled to himself.
"I have a message for the royal family." His irritation grew, how many times is he going to have to say that.
"From who?" The prince said, looking him up and down in suspicion.
"My... employer, requests only the royal family to know."he said with a grunt.

The prince narrowed his eyes and didn't speak for a moment. Then looked to the guards and nodded slightly. The guards opened the gates. The prince walked in first, pulling his horse behind him. The two guards flanked Rowan, their swords out and ready, if Rowan made one hostile move. Rowan rolled his eyes, not being able to hold it this time. Why, why, why did Aelin have to make him do it?
A stable boy came out to take the princes horse, his eyes widening at the sight of Rowan. The prince wispered something to the boy, and the boy left hastily. A few moments later a group of eight guards appeared from around the corner. Rowan had figured that the prince would request more guards, smart man. But, eight... still not enough. He couldn't help but be a little offended. The guards surrounded him, swords drawn. The two guards that were flanking him had moved back to the closed gates.

"What is your name, fae."
Aelin was so going to be hearing about this from him. Never again.
"Rowan Whitethorn." He growled slightly,
"Okay, Sir Rowan Whitethorn, you wish to meet with the royal family? You have a message from an anonymous person?"
"Yes." He said flatly, annoyed.
"And is it so important that it has to be done now?"
"Yes, it is about the King of Adarlan."
The princes eyebrows rose slightly, "Well then. I am sorry about this, but the guards will have to confiscate your weapons."
Rowan gave an exasperated sigh through his nose and looked up at the sunny blue midday sky. Two guards approached him, he realized with a smirk, that they were the largest and most intimidating guards out of all of them. Like that would do anything, he could beat all of them with his eyes closed. He began removing all his weapons and handing them to one of the guards, once he had removed all of them, the second guard patted him down. When he found no other weapons, he nodded to the prince.

The prince smiled, "Follow me."
Rowan held back his scowl and forced his face into neutrality. He began walking after the prince, the guards flanking him still, though the guard that had taken his weapons had passed them onto a weaker guard, who had disappeared, and resumed in pointing his sword at Rowan. They approached the castle doors, the two guards straightened as the prince approached, and bowed, their eyes widening at the fae. The guards opened the doors, and they entered, the doors closing behind them. Rowan looked around, instinctively searching for all exits and possible weapons. There were four cream doors on either side of the room, the floor was white marble with flecks of gold. The limestone walls reaching up to the high ceiling, which was the same shade of blue as the Ashryver's eyes and had a massive skylight in the centre of it. The room led up to a huge staircase with oak rails and a red velvet carpet. Paintings adorned the walls and tables with candles sat between the doors. The prince began walking up the staircase, they followed.

After many turns and bends, theh finally came upon two large oak doors, engravings of vines and flowers surrounded the frame, while pictures of warriors fighting and people dancing covered the rest of the door. The throne room. The prince opened the door. As they entered, all eyes turned to them. King Glaston stood from his chair, "Galan? What is the meaning of this untimely interuption?"
"This man has a message." Galan stepped forward, "It's about the king of Adarlan."
The kings eyebrows shot up in interest and surprise, just as his son's had. Rowan sighed again, it isn't that surprising. They will be more surprised and interested when they find out who his message is from.

King Glaston looked at Rowan and sat in his chair, "What is your name?"
Rowan looked around at the councilors, "This is not for them to hear."
"Because this information is classified and is only meant for your family's ears."
"Just how important is it?"
"Extremely." Rowan was beginning to get irritated again.
"Fair enough. Though we will need to keep some guards in here."
Rowan nodded, "As long as they cannot hear."
The councilors left slowely, grumbling quietly, their speed irritated Rowan further. The guards moved to the far side of the room. The room was so large that they were far enough away that they wouldn't be able to hear, though he would have to take in account the acoustics of the room. He looked around, a big oak table sat in the middle of the room with oak chairs with red velvet cushions. The ceiling was high and had yet another skylight, just like in the front room but this time it was gold. The walls were limestone and plain aside from several tapestries that depicted battles, and some of just the forests and animals. The ground was the same marble as in the front room as well, though it had a golden velvet mat.

The prince went to stand beside his father. The king waved his hand, gesturing for Rowan to come forward. He stepped towards them, close enough that he needn't talk too loud.
"What is your name?" The king said, putting his hands together and leaning back comfortably in his oak throne, also covered in engravings.
"Rowan Whitethorn." He replied, the third time he had said that, "And I have message from Aelin Ashryver Galathynius."

The Return. A Throne of Glass Fanfic.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora