The Plan.

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I'm sorry if this sucks (more than the others) I've been quite busy with school, I needed to get back into the story. And I'm also freaking out because QoS is coming out, and I now have the date that my book is going to arrive. Also, I don't know where this storyline is going, I'm just letting it happen, trying to put what is in my head down in words is easier said than done. If you have any questions or comments or ideas, please tell me. If there is any mistakes or if I get something wrong about the books please tell me. And any criticism is welcome. If you have any problems with the story please tell me so I can improve. That goes for all my chapters. Sorry in advance.


"Okay then, what's the plan?"

"Are you sure this will work?" Chaol asked, unsure. This plan was insane. It would never work, they would all be captured. Even with the extra help, if they could actually get it. But he doubted Aelin's plan. What did she have to offer that horrible man?
"As sure as I can be." Aelin answered lifting her chin slightly.
"Okay." Chaol drew out the word, still not entirely sure.
"Will he agree?" Ren asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know. But he has something that belongs to me."
"We talked to Arobynn, I don't think he'll help us." Nesryn replied, shaking her head,
"Oh, he will."Aelin said, the gleam in her eyes was frightening.
Chaol closed his eyes and let out a worried sigh, "Okay, I still don't see this working. But we have to try."
Aelin looked at him with a funny expression on her face. Then nodded and stood.
"I guess I should pay a visit to Arobynn."
"I'm coming with you." Chaol, Ren, and Nesryn said in unison,
They all looked at each other in surprise,
"No, I'm going alone." Aelin stood up straight,
"But... but it's too dangerous." Chaol countered,
"I can protect myself, remember." she looked at him pointedly, "You should know that better than anyone."
He looked at her for a moment, she was right. He remembered everything that she'd seen and been through. The competition, Cain, the strange creatures. Nehemia. All of the countless other things she never told him about. She spent an entire year in a death camp when she was only seventeen for goodness sake.
He nodded, "Okay, but be careful."
She looked surprised, as if she were expecting a bigger fight.
"What!?" Ren shouted,outraged "You're actually going to let her go? That's absurd!"
Chaol gave him a hard stare, Aelin glared at him. He shut up.
"I've got to go soon. Is there anything else?"
"Well, we also figured out how the King got rid of magic." Nesryn sat back in her chair
"Really?" Aelin's back went rigid, her eyes widening in surprise and eagerness.
"Yep, Chaol figured it out."
Aelin looked at him, a ghost of a smile on her lips.
"Those clock towers. There are three, creating a triangle."
"Wyrdstone." Aelin said looking down, her lips parting in revelation.
"He somehow managed spread, I assume, magic to cancel out all other magic within this area."
"All we need to do is nock one down."Ren said
"But how?" Nesryn, looked up at the roof in exasperation,
"That doesn't matter right now. We have more important things to focus on." Aelin grabed her weapons and started for the master bedroom,"I'm leaving in half an hour."
Chaol went back to reading by the fire. He had never had time to read when he was captain. He realized that he hadn't really had time for anything.
Aelin came out half an hour later, dressed in fitting black pants and tunic, and a hooded cape so black it was as if it sucked up all the light, "I will be gone for a while, don't wait for me, and don't fret."
She left without another word. She had changed. Immensely. She seemed more mature. More calm. She didn't seem as angry, as hateful. Yet, she was just as fierce, as brave. As cunning and strategic. She seemed more regal, like a queen. Because that's what she was. A queen. He still could hardly believe that the assassin that he had met those many months ago, the assassin that had managed to so easily steal his heart, would turn out to be Aelin Ashryver Galathynius. She was entirely different, yet she was the same. She still had the same look in her eyes, the same fierce determination, yet there was something different. Something was missing, yet it seemed like something had been added as well. She was different. But so was he.

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