Chapter 1

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Dan tugs at his chest binder, trying to pull it comfortably over his chest to hide what shouldn't be there. This had become a regular occurrence to the 17 year old, get ready on the weekends to go to a support group, stay for the full hour and a half, get a starbucks and go home, to his lonely flat.

His parents had kicked him out when he came out to them as trans*. Of course, Dan was upset by this, but they gave him the choice between staying in the house but going to a gender correction camp or leaving the house as a 'sinner', he chose the latter.
A few streets away from Dan lived a genderfluid man who went by the name of Phil, or Cameron, or Eve, it really depended on the day. Phil was also getting ready for the support group, but this was their first time. Phil had been to other support groups but this was apparently the best one in London.

Once Dan was ready he began walking, unfortunately it was a rare hot day, meaning that Dan had already begun sweating. He began to regret wearing so much black, but he couldn't turn back now, he decided he'd live with it.

Phil had already made it to the support group, being able to drive really helped them make it in time. The door then flew open, in walked a boy, dressed in all black, with brown hair, a fringe and the most beautiful eyes Phil had ever seen.

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