Chapter 14

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   I notice that it's very hot on this island, but that's not a very valuable observation, as we already know that there's a volcano.  There's a few houses, but they all look empty. We follow the path up to Astrid's house.

   "Hello? Anyone home?" I ask as I knock on the door.

   "Ah, yes. Come in, come in." That must be Astrid. 

   Her house is what most people consider very small. A few feet from the door, there's a table with a crystal ball, and Astrid kneeling behind it.

   "You're Astrid, right?"

   "Yes, I am Astrid. And you must be Shelli. It's a pleasure to meet you. Now, about the task. I need you to go into the temple in the volcano."

   In the volcano? "What? But, it's a volcano! I'll burn! And what if there's monsters?"

   She thinks for a moment. "There is something there that will be necessary on your quest. But I notice you have nothing to defend yourself with. Go get something, then return to me so I can make sure it is a decent weapon."

   I head back to the ship. I'm so glad that Linebeck gave me that sword. When I grab it from the shelf, I notice a strange marking on the hilt. It doesn't matter. I just have to get back to Astrid.

   I walk into her house again. "Is this alright, Astrid?"

   She stares at the sword for a moment. Not in the way I thought she would, though. It's more like disbelief. I hear her talking to herself.

   "How did you... the Phantom Sword...but..."

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