Chapter 1

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   I sit at the edge of the railing at the front of the ship, feeling the wind against my face, tasting the salt.  


   That was my cousin calling me. And yes, my name is Shelli. It's not a nickname or anything.  


   "I'M COMING LINE!" I shout back, wondering if Uncle Linebeck would be mad at me. He's usually pretty calm though. I find Line at the wheel next to his dad, where he always is. It's creepy how much they look alike. No wonder Aunt Jolene decided on naming him Linebeck II. I call him "Line" for short though.  

   I smile, holding back a laugh about how strange their names are. 

  "What?" Line asks curiously. "Nothing" I reply, still wondering about where they got that strange name. Line continues to talk to me but I'm not really paying any attention to him. I'm looking at Linebeck. I can almost see what he's thinking about by just looking at his face. But not quite.

  "Hey, Line, take the wheel for me." 

  I was way off. I thought he was looking at me, and was going to ask me to go get the mail like he always does. You see, when we go out to sea, it usually takes sometime between two weeks to a month. My aunt, Jolene, does get the mail, but when we come home the mail usually has just arrived. It really just gives me something to do, as if I was a normal girl, I would get right off the ship and help cook lunch with my aunt. But I'm different. I can't cook at all. 

  "For real, Dad?" Line asks, replying to his father. Even though he's fifteen, he's a bit childish. He always has a happy look on his face, with perfect skin. He even helps out at the schoolhouse sometimes, cleaning up afterwards, or helping out during their break. Aside from that, he looks like a normal fifteen-year-old.

  "Yeah, sure. You've been watching for years and I think you've got it now. I have to go talk to Shelli." 

   My Uncle walks over to me. I am half afraid of what he might say to me, half anxious. Most of the time he's pretty sarcastic, but sometimes if you get on his bad side, he really snaps at you.  What did I do now?

   "Hey, Shelli, we're going to dock at home soon and I have a request for you. Can you go to the mailbox the minute we get there and bring it back to me? As soon as possible?"

   There it is. He asks this every time we dock. I do it anyway, but nothing is ever really important. It's usually just boat deals and Milk Bar discounts.  

   "I'll do it. You know I always do." I tell him.  

  "That's right. And that's why I ask you to do it every time." he says, playfully tapping my nose. I swear, these people. They all act like I'm five, while I'm well over twelve, almost thirteen. I still giggle, though.

  "I'll let you go back to what you were doing, thinking or whatever. I'll see you at home!"  

  I walk away, back to the front of the S.S. Linebeck. I rest my head on the railing and drift into sleep with the warm sun on my face.

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