Chapter 3

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   I run through the village again, this time going to the docks. It feels like forever, but I finally reach the S.S. Linebeck.

   When I first get there, I hear the sound of crashes underneath. I'm not sure what it is. My only guess is that he knocked over one of the chests. I start to shout for him.

  "Uncle Linebeck! Uncle Linebeck? Where are you?" 

   I hear Linebeck shout a muffled curse from below the ship. I really start to wonder what he's doing. I start to think more of what the crash could be, since I've ruled out the possibility of it being the chest. Line already took that inside.

   What could it be? The shelves? Of course, the shelves! He built those himself before we left. If I know my uncle, he used the cheapest pieces possible. I go downstairs to see for myself. I was not expecting what I saw, however.

   Linebeck is on the floor. As I expected, the shelf is broken. Countless bags are on top of the lowest half of his body. How does he get himself into these messes? I can only question him.

   "Uncle," I say with me hands on my hips, "what did you do?"

   He lets out a sigh before he begins. "Well Shelli, I was trying to get some of the maps and such that were on the top shelf. They were to high for me to reach, so I stepped on one of the lower shelves. While I was trying to get on the lower shelf, I was pulling myself up with the shelf I couldn't reach. Finally I was on top of the lower shelf. Then it broke. I was still holding onto the top shelf, so when I fell down onto the bags of the bottom shelf, I broke the top shelf. The top shelf fell and broke the middle two shelves, so now I'm covered with three shelves of bags and broken wood. I'm fine, though. Here, lemme just-"

   He tries to get himself out of the mess. He can't, obviously. Well, it's my turn to help. I can't lift the bags, though.

   I ask, "Do you want me to go get Aunt Jolene for you?" He replies with a nod. I run home again.


   "Oh, I see. Well, I guess I should get going then."

   Jolene is going to help him. I can see that she has a very annoyed look. Anyone can. As she runs off towards the ship, I hear her mutter, "idiot", as she facepalms.

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