Ch. 6

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My first dedication for this book goes to my bffl (Best Friend For Life) calypsovaldez2722 👭

The stranger was very tall. He was like 10 feet tall!!! Me and Harry stared up at him in awe.

"Hey 'Arry" The man said, looking down at Harry, " Happy Birthday. I got you a cake."

He held up a white cube box. From the transparent plastic part it looked like a yummy pink cake with "HAPPEE BIRTHDAE HARRY!" Written on it.

We didn't move. Aunt Petunia came protectively to Dudley's side and dragged me towards her. But I resisted. I was curious to see who this man was.

" Don't move!" My uncle shouted at him.

"Not so fast" The stranger said, holding up a dark, wooden stick.

I was so confused at my uncle's terrified face. Who's afraid of a stick? My uncle apparently. Pfft, coward!

Then the stranger placed the cake on the table.

"Name's Hagrid" he stated to Harry.

"I thought we told the fool we weren't going to ..." My uncle started.

"Dumbledore is not a fool. He is a great wizard." He said completely insulted.

Wizard? In your dreams, tall guy! And I'm a vampire! Not!

He started to advance towards Harry.

"You've grown since you were a baby!"

"I don't understand." Harry said his face full of confusion.

" Didn't you get the letters?" Hagrid asked him.

"My uncle burned them." Harry answered.

"Vernon! I thought we discussed this!" Hagrid said obviously angry.

"We want no part in this." My uncle shrieked at him.

"Well Dumbledore insists that the boy...." He trailed off

Dudley started eating the cake like there was no tomorrow. And Hagrid noticed.

"Why you little pig!" Hagrid said and waved his wand.

Dudley started running around and squealing.

A little, curly, cream colored tail grew from his bottom.

Of corse me and Harry started laughing like crazy.


Later that night Hagrid revealed it all to us. We were wizards.

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