Chapter 5 Moriarty

Start from the beginning

"Sherlock we're going to the shop." John said and Sherlock didn't say or do anything he was to deep in thought. Bella took John's hand as they walked outside. John hailed a cab.

"John?" She said looking up at him.

"Yes?" He asked looking at her sitting next to him.

"Why do you hide your feeling for Daddy? I can tell by the way you look at him that you love him." She says looking at him. John stays silent for a minute as if thinking of how to answer the question, but really he just doesn't want to.

"I-I'm not gay," he stutters, "but I care about him and I-"

"Love him?" Bella cut him off.

"Y-yes I do but he's my best friend. I don't even think he can feel love anymore....after what happened with him and your mother." He says looking at his hands.

Bella is silent the rest of the drive thinking how she can make her father and friend happy.

When they arrived at the shop Bella hopped out of the cab and John paid the cabbie. They walked in and John grabbed a cart.


They stepped out of the cab, John's arms full of grocery bags and Bella not carrying anything but a new stuffed toy John had gotten for her, they heard gun shots come from the flat. John started running ,after paying the cabbie, to 221B Baker St. with Bella at his heels. He ran up the stairs frantically to see Sherlock in his chair with a hand gun in his hand, shooting the wall, "What the bloody hell are you doing?!?" John asked dropping the bags.

"Bored." Sherlock mumbled.


"Bored!" He said standing up, "BORED!" He shot the wall, "BORED!" Another shot to the wall, "BORED!" And yet another shot, John ran over and grabbed the gun, and taking the bullets out. He set it on the table and picked up the grocery bags from the floor and started to put things away. Bella ran over to Sherlock to show him her new toy.

"Daddy look what John got me!" She exclaimed showing him the stuffed bee. Sherlock picked her up and set her on his lap. His laptop made a noise and he set her down and quickly opened it to see the message.

Hello Sherly! How you doing? Figured out my little puzzle yet? Meet me at the warehouse and we'll have a little chat. Oh and bring Bella.


Bella ran over while Sherlock was reading and looked at her father.

>>>Bella's POV<<<

I watched as Daddy typed and then I heard the noise again and he was reading another message I wanted to see so I tried to climb onto his lap and I succeeded. I sat and read the messages.

No I'm not bringing her with me


Oh why not I'm waiting Sherly you're wasting time.

There was a picture of a girl with long brown hair that was tied up in a ponytail. She was tied to a chair with a white cloth in her mouth and tears running down her face. She was wearing a long white lab coat.

Come and save her Sherlock. You don't want your little Molly hurt do you?


He closed the laptop and looked down at me with worry i his eyes, "John I'm taking Bella out..uh.. to the park. Yeah the park." He called to John who was walking in with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in his hands.

"Okay here Bella here's your sandwich." He said walking over and handing me the sandwich.

"Thank you." I said taking a bite and then I hopped off of Daddy's lap and set down my bee to grab my coat. I sat down my sandwich and pulled the coat on and grabbed my scarf and pulled it around my neck. "Come on Daddy." I said taking my sandwich in my hands again and scooping up my bee. Daddy got up and pulled on his coat and scarf quickly. He picked me up and carried me outside. "Daddy who was that woman?" I asked and he looked worried.

"Molly Hooper." He said waiting for a cab. When one finally showed up he held his hand up to get it's attention. The cab slowed to a stop and we got in.

"Where to?" The cabbie asked looking back and giving me a smile and making a funny face, I giggled.

"The warehouse." Daddy said and the cabbie nodded looking back a the road and started to drive.

"Daddy? Who were you talking to and why did he want me to come with you?" I asked curiously.

"His name is Jim Moriarty. I honestly don't know why he asked for you to come to. Didn't even know he knew about you until today." He said but I could tell he was lying about not knowing why the man wanted me there too.

I dropped the subject, "What should I name my bee?" I asked looking down at the stuffed toy. I took the last bite of my sandwich and looked back up at him.

"What do you want to call it?" He asked not looking down at me.

"Um..." I thought, "Breezy." I finally said.

"Then Breezy it is." He said looking down and smiling. The cab pulled to a stop and Daddy payed and we got out, him bending down so I could get onto his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tightly still clutching Breezy in my left hand as I laid my head on Daddy's shoulder. He walked fast toward the warehouse. We walked in to see Molly still tied up in the chair but she didn't have the cloth in her mouth.

"Sherlock!" She exclaimed. Daddy set me down and we both ran to her sides and he tried to untie her but hadn't gotten very far when a man walked in

"Ah there you are Sherlock." He said giving a creepy grin. He looked at me, "And you brought Bella." He walked toward me, causing me to step backwards.

I ran towards Daddy hiding behind his legs. I squeezed Breezy tightly, this man made me scared, he gave me goosebumps and I didn't like him.

"What is this about Moriarty!?" Daddy asked loudly making me jump, his voice echoed off the walls. He again tried to untie Molly and this time he succeeded and she jumped up wrapping her arms around him in a hug. He stood there awkwardly then accepted the hug and wrapped his arms around her. It was a quick hug and they let go quickly and the room grew awkwardly silent.

The silence was broken by the man beginning to speak, "Oh Sherlock you had asked what this was about. Well I needed something." He explained.

"You said needed which implies that you no longer need what you were after." Daddy says.

"Yes good Sherly. But I didn't have it until now." And at that moment I felt strong arms grab me and lift me into the air. I dropped Breezy and tried to get free of the arms but they held me tighter with every kick.

"Daddy!" I screamed my voice echoing off of the walls. I saw Daddy's face grow red with anger. I didn't see who had grabbed me but all I knew is that I was being taken from Daddy. Then everything went dark.


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