"Shut up, Sky." I giggled. "Um, I think me and Isaac are just having fun right now. I'm not willing to lead him on and say this will last, but I really like him...a lot."

Travis shook his head. "Damn, B. You lowkey already dumped the man and put a expiration date on the relationship."

Skylar cackled softly, "that was actually a very good analogy, Trav. No, but seriously though...what if it's built to last and you just opting out early?"

"I don't know, I just think realistic after high school...how many of these relationships lasts? Plus, if I'm talking about traveling...where does he fit into that equation?"

"Who knows, but it sounds like y'all need to have a chat about all of those things." Sky advised.

"Yeah, maybe we do..." I mumbled before lying back on the couch.


A knock on the front door meant that I needed to finish getting ready even quicker.


My mother barked my name from down stairs and I swiftly made a few more minor touches to my make up before trotting down to the main floor.

"Aww, don't you look cute."

"Thanks, mommy."

"You have fun tonight and remember...1 am," I nodded at the mention of my curfew and strolled to the door to see Isaac patiently waiting on me.

"Damn," he groaned, scoping my entire body out in my fitted two piece outfit.

"Don't get no ideas, Isaac!" my mother yelled out after hearing his remark on the sly. I shook my head in embarrassment and he cackled softly.

"You ready?" I questioned.

"Yeah, let's go before I say something else that might get me in trouble," he joked as he took my hand and led me to his car.

"So, where exactly are we going?"

"Somewhere. It's kind of a surprise, which is why I had you dress up a lil bit," he smiled as he focused on the road.

"Ok, but I have to talk to you about something and it's kind of important." I started to get my thoughts together about what the exact words I would say.

"Go ahead," he muttered as we pulled into a familiar parking lot. The Art Museum. A place that I often found myself in, just fawning over people's work.

Before I could speak to say my piece, something got my attention.

"See the amazing works Gerhard Richter and--Brooklyn Zuko..."

I nearly lost my mind reading that sign. When? How? Why? I looked over at Isaac and he was just focusing on my face. "Well, are you going to say anything?"

I covered my mouth and attempted to breathe regularly, but that didn't help me at all. "How'd you--?"

"I remember one of the first nights me and you talked. You said that one of your dreams is to have your work showcased in this museum. So, I hijacked your work when your were napping one day and made it happen."

I wanted to cry, but I wasn't willing to mess up my make-up. "Oh my God! Can we go inside?" I asked like a big kid.

"I would hope so. I want to see the outcome too." Isaac parked the car and we walked inside hand in hand.

"Now, I'm nervous."

"Don't be. You'll be surrounded by nothing, but love...I promise." A soft kiss to my lips calmed my nerves when walked into the venue.

I couldn't believe that this was real, but it definitely was. My work was hanging on the wall, nice and big for everyone to see.

"Yo, this is amazing munch." I turned around to see Kyle and his girl Daliah smiling. "I can't you was just hiding your talent like that. Fuck that modeling shit. This is dope," he continued to salute me.

"This really is great," Daliah added.

"Thank you guys for coming," I acknowledged their presence and continued to look around. As I made my way through the venue, it seemed like majority of family and friends were in attendance.

Before I knew it, I had lost Isaac in the midst of all the admiration. I glanced around he was nowhere to be found until I looked in the back to see him watching me with a smile.

"I thought you left me," I stated as I approached him.

"Never that. You enjoying yourself?" I simply nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck as he settled his on my waist. "Good. So you said we needed to talk about something important. What's up?"

"It's nothing."

"You lying. What's up?" Isaac read me for filth.

"This thing with us, is it a temporary fling or are we going somewhere with it?"

"Brooklyn, I don't go on dates and do these types of things for just anybody...so what you think, baby?" he questioned me with a as a matter of fact expression.

"Hmm, sounds like we're going somewhere."

"Yep, it does. So, was this an alright first official date?" he inquired. I arched my brows in confusion.

"I thought Disneyland and McDonalds was our first official date," I admitted and he laughed softly before pecking my forehead.

"Most girls would've said that didn't count, so that's why I didn't include that."

"I'm not most girls," I reminded him and he nodded.

"You right about that..."

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Should Brooklyn go to college?

Do you think Brooklyn and Isaac can last in a long distance relationship if she leaves?

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