"Shut up, Alex." He hung up, shoved his phone in his pocket, and shuffled his way to his car as fast as he could without tripping on the ice. 

"Don't you worry," he muttered as he stepped inside his freezing car, "I won't mess this one up." 

He ignored the next four pings from his phone. If it was Alex texting him, he wouldn't be bothered to answer. 

He glanced at his clock as he pulled up to the boring beige building. It read 2:30.

"It could be worse, I suppose," he muttered. 

His phone pinged again. He ignored it and stepped inside, walking right up to the front desk.

"Welcome back, Scott," the woman at the desk said cheerfully. He hadn't bothered to learn her name. "Same session?"

"Of course."

"I'm afraid you're going to have to wait for about ten minutes. We can't let guests in until then." She didn't look sorry at all.

"Why? Mitch is probably bored out of his mind in there, plus I told him I'd be there at 2!"

"I'm sorry, darling, but those are the rules. It's only ten minutes."

"But I'm already half an hour late." He glared at her before going to sit in the waiting room. 

His phone pinged again, but he didn't bother checking it. Suddenly, Mitch was at his side, poking his arm. Kirstin hovered above him. "Scott?" 

"Scottyy?? Snap out of it?"

Scott was back in the office, and realized that he'd been zoning out for the entire hour. 

"Um, oh, hi, yeah, sorry, I must've...um, spaced out or something?? I guess?"

"Yeah, you did. Are you okay?" Scott glanced over at his newer friend, who was just looking at him with concerned eyes. 

"I...yeah. Sure. I'm fine." He looked back up at Kirstin, who just shook her head and said, "Okay, then." 

"I'm a bit of a mess today, aren't I?" he muttered to Mitch as Kirstie walked back to her desk. The brunette grinned and nodded. 

"Hey, whaddya say we both go to my house after Kirst is done doing whatever she's doing? I didn't get my chance to see you earlier. Would that be okay?"

Mitch's brown eyes got a little bit wider, and he just stared at Scott. 

"I mean, we don't have to-" he was cut off from his rambling by the smaller boy leaning over to hug him. 

Scott hesitated before reciprocating the hug. "Oh. Okay." After just a moment, Mitch pulled away shyly and looked at his lap. 

"Oh, um, it's alright, I don't mind, I was just surprised...Have you never really had a friend before?"

Mitch looked at him, then pointed at Kirstin. 

"Well, she doesn't count, as she's, like, always busy. Anyone else?" 

Mitch thought a moment, then shook his head. 

"Ah. Well, that kinda sucks." Mitch shrugged, and Kirstin walked back over to them, handing Mitch some papers. 

"Here you are! Would you mind going back out into the waiting room to fill those out? I wanna talk to Scotty for a moment." Mitch shook his head, smiled at both of them, and headed out of the room. 

"Scott, are you really alright?" Kirstin asked as soon as Mitch had left, looking very concerned.

"Alex called me this morning," he replied. "So I guess I'm not sure. But I'll be fine tomorrow."

"What did he say?" 

"He just...he said he wanted to know how I was doing...but I don't really know what he wanted, since I told him I was...um...going on a date?"


"Kirst, I really don't care if I was lying to him, okay? He's probably drunk all the time like he used to be, and anyway, I still don't know how I feel about Mitch, so it should be okay that I told him that!"

"You know that if he talks to me about it tomorrow, I have to tell him the truth, Scotty."

Scott sighed. "I hate that he still comes here."

"Honestly? I do too. I know how badly he hurt you. But I can't just kick him out."

"Maybe you could-" Scott stopped as Mitch knocked on the door frame. 

"Come in, Mitchell!" Kirstin painted a smile back on her face. Scott stayed silent as Mitch handed her the papers that were now filled out, and watched as they said their goodbyes. 

Mitch walked over towards Scott just as he was wrapping up his scarf, and looked at him questioningly. 

"You can still come over, silly," he said, smiling kindly at him. Mitch smiled back and grabbed his coat, standing by the door as Scott walked over to hug Kirstin goodbye.

"Can I call you later?" he whispered.

"Always," she said. "Bye guys!" she added in her normal voice as Scott pulled away. "Have a great rest of your day!"

"You too, Kirst," Scott called. Mitch just waved. 

"Now, where did you park?" Scott asked as they stepped outside and immediately began shivering. Mitch shook his head and pointed down the sidewalk. 

"You walked here?" Scott said. Mitch nodded sadly. 

"That's ridiculous! Well, you definitely aren't walking to my house, or back here either. I'll pick you up everyday, if you'd like."

Mitch nodded, a little disbelieving. Please, he mouthed. 

"You'll have to show me where your house is later, of course, but we can do that on the way there. For now, let's just get you to my house so we don't stand here freezing." Mitch smiled, and Scott led the way to his car.

"You know," he said as they backed out of the space, "I never really had friends either. I grew up being with Kirstin like all the time, but that's it. She's the only one who's ever treated me like a friend." 

The blonde felt Mitch take his hand, and glanced down at him before looking back at the road. But now I have you, he thought. There wasn't need for the words to spoken. They both understood each others silence.


I hope you liked this chapter, its a bit filler-ish feeling, but idk, I liked writing it, and it does advance the plot. Its probably more boring than anything. 

Also, the italicized part in the middle was the flashback to earlier, if you hadn't gotten that. So yeah. hopefully this isn't complete trash. byeee ^-^

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