Inspiring Words

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This is Ivy.Hi.I love this song it's night core.Any Supernatural fans?

Chapter 15
Nova's POV.

Lori climbed down the rocky slope with an angered expression growing on her face.

"Shane!"she yelled,"What'd I tell you about..."

Her voice trailed off as she saw me.

She knelt down to my level which wasn't very low,"Nova,could you please take Carl to his tent?"

I nodded,"Sure."

I took his hand and we walked up the slope.

I almost slipped a few times on the rocks but Carl prevented that.

"Thanks,"I'd said repeatedly as he saved me for the third time.

He just nodded.

We finally reached the top and I took him to his tent.

As he zipped it up I heard screams if agony.

"Stay in there!"I yelled through the fabric.

I ran toward the slope.

When my feet hit the ground at the top of the slope they slid out from under me.

I gasped.

I started rolling down the slope.


My bet went up into the air as I hit a bump.

I screamed.

I hit the rocks and cried out in pain.

I see Sky racing down the slope to save me.

I reached the bottom of the slope and my body felt like shit.

Blood covered my clothes.

Rocks were stuck in my skin.

I saw Shane beating Ed shitless.

"Hey,assholes!"Sky yelled,"Stop fighting!Nova is hurt!"

The boys ignored us and the ladies ran over.

When they crouched around me I murmured,"My...stitches."

They all nodded except Andrea.

"She won't live,"Andrea said getting up.

Sky glared at her,"She'll live."

"Say your last words,"Andrea said holding a gun up.

Sky looked away.

"I'm going to end your suffering."

I gulped,"Anne Frank said,' Everyone has inside them a peice of good news.The good news is that you don't know how great you can be.How much you can love!What you can accomplish!And what your potential is!'"

I heard Sky's hiccups as she cried.

"I swear I will survive,"I breathe,"You don't have to kill me."

"She's right,"Carl said.

I looked at him,"I told you to stay in the tent."

He shrugged,"I heard your screams."

He went to comfort Sky.

I smiled.

Rick came down the slope with 2 boys.

One looked Sky's age and the other looked my age.

He saw me and started running.

The boys followed.

Rick knelt down by me and looked at Andrea,"Put the gun away."

She hesitantly put it away.

"Nova?"I heard one gasp.

I looked over,"Hey,Acher."

Sky loomed over and a smile grew on her face,"JAIDAN!"

I laughed as she squealed.

She's never been so excited.

Acher had red hair,some freckles,and blue eyes.

Jaidan had blonde hair and blue eyes.

Acher was in my grade while Jaidan was in Sky's.

I felt my body being raised as Rick,Daryl,and Glenn carried me up the slope.

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