I'm Not Dead

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This song is called the walking dead.It's also my theme song too .

Chapter 10
Nova's POV.

I heard my sister yell,"SHE'S DEAD CAUSE OF YOU!"

I tried leaning up or moving my hand or anything to signal I'm not dead.

I couldn't move anything.

It was like I was blind.

I could hear but couldn't see.

Finally my hearing fainted.

I heard nothing.

Moments later I woke up.

My family was standing infront of me.

All except Sky.

I looked around.

Completely white.

I looked back at my family.

Penny was wearing her famous light pink dress.

She also had a red ribbon on the back of her head and dark brown flats.

Her hair was braded on the side.

Mom was wearing a tight grey dress and black heels.

Her brown hair was curled.

Dad was wearing a black suit.

I looked down at my outfit.

It was a blue dress.

I also had white converse with it.

I was the most Tom boyish person out of the sisters and I'm not wearing flats over converse.

"Nova,what happened?"I heard my sister's voice.

I looked around.

I was at my 6 year old brothers funeral.

He got hit by a car.

My white hair was curled.

Sky's pink and blonde hair was put up in a bun.

She was wearing a mint green dress.

"Earth to Nova,"Sky said waving a hand infront of my face.

"Wha'?"I asked.

"What happened?"

"You know,"I said as if I just wasn't in the apocalypse,"Danille died."(I ran out of names and thought of Saw 2 so yea)

I remembered his curly blonde hair and his beautiful eyes that were so familiar to Sky's and Dad's.

Me and Penny had Mother's amber eyes.

It was like a cheerful funeral.

Just how Danille wanted it.

Mom was drinking a martinie.

I grabbed a root beer.

I opened the can and took a sip.

I got a blue marker and wrote,'Nova:)'.

I sat it down on the table and walked over to Danille's casket.

I kissed my hand and pressed it against the glass.

"I'll miss you,"I smiled.

I blinked.

My eyes opened and Danille was standing infront of me.

"Stay alive for me,"was all he said before disappearing and my vision going dark.

I opened my eyes and a pain went through my side.

I was back in reality.

I wasn't dead.

I sighed in relief which brings a sharp pain.

Sky was thrashing around when I opened my eyes.

"Sky....,"I murmured.

She looked in my direction.

A smile grew on her face.

She ran over.

She was hovering over me from the side.

Her hair hung in my face and it tickled my nose making me sneeze.

Shelved over and sat beside me.

Her brown combat boots were tapping on the ground.

They had stitched me up so I would have to lay here for another day unless they could lift me and take me to a tent without me passing out.

I chose staying in the middle for a day.

Night time came and I was laying down away from everybody that was at the fire.

I couldn't eat either.

Well,that sucks.

But not as much as almost dying.

Cause other people must have died.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

I went to sleep.

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