Chapter 7

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"Stop it. Please, stop." I cry out in a strangled scream, my body aching as I charge forward.

My body is pulled back, and as I look over my shoulder I see a protective looking Tommy staring back at me. His arms wrap around me tightly, preventing me from moving at all. My eyes widen and watch on as Jack and Harry continue to beat one another senseless. I wince, feeling the pain for them.

"Tommy, let go." I screech, wiggling beneath his touch.

He turns me around, his body now standing in front of mine. His eyes softening the moment they see worry in my own. He sighs heavily and shrugs, releasing me from his tight grip.

"Wait here." He demands, turning on his heels as he runs towards them both.

He gets in between them, earning a few smacks as he forces them apart. His face reddened with anger.

"That's a fuckin' 'nuff. She's seen enough violence tonight." He screams, jolting Jack back as he goes in for another blow.

They both pull back, huffing with anger as they look at one another with nothing but hatred in their eyes. A whimper falls from my lips, and Harry's eyes dart to mine. He looks ashamed, guilty. But above all he looks worried. I can tell he's dying to run over to me, but he holds himself back.

"Scar, you all right?" his voice breaks free in a saddened whisper.

"Don't fucking call her that!" Jack snaps, clenching his fists.

"I was talking to Scarlet," Harry retorts, rolling his eyes.

I'm unable to speak as they both continue to throw insults back and forth. And to be honest I find the whole thing childish and petty, and I'm pissed off, really pissed off.

"Kiddo, Harry came to see you, do you want to see him or do you want him to leave?" Tommy asked, taking me by surprise as he ignored them and focused on me.

If I'm honest, I thought he would have been the one to attack Harry, but in this moment he showed more maturity than the both of them put together.

I sniffled, unable to meet Harry's gaze as I shook my head.

"I don't want to see him. Not right now, sorry." I whisper, feeling tears prickle at my eyes.

I hear Jack chuckle and look up to see him headed my way. I step back, putting my hand up as indication for him to stop. He looks shocked. Hurt even. But I don't care. I'm mad at him, too.

"I don't want to see you, either." I demand.


"No." I screech, "What the fuck is wrong with the two of you? You both act like you care and you're both constantly telling me that I matter to you. If that's true then you would have put your petty little squabble aside for tonight. I was scared. Terrified. After what happened to me, and then the two of you decided to go and fight one another right in front of me. You don't care about me at all, do you? It's a game, isn't it? Lets see who can take Scarlet from the other? Lets use her to get one up on each other, is that it? I'm not a toy and I won't be dragged into this. I won't take sides." I feel all of the anger that I had bottled up for the last few weeks explode, tears streaming down my face as the terrifying events flashed through my mind.

"I shouldn't have come." I heard Harry whisper, his tone low and cracked.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but I, I didn't even know you knew Jack until the fight. It wasn't about that. It was about you. I just wanted to make sure you were alright. And you are. So, I'll go." He hung his head and scuffed his feet along the pavement.

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