Chapter Nine

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Hey! Thanks for reading (you are awesome)!  While no one voted on the last chapter, four people did vote on the first chapter so I decided to be nice and upload.  I didn't have Word on my computer until today and thats why it took me so long to write this chapter.  Please VOTE, comment, and message!  I'd also really love if someone would make a cover for me.  Thanks again!


Mio De Hairo was actually a beautiful island.  It was full of ill sides and cliffs and other natural beauty.  It was also surrounded by clear, blue, Caribbean water.  The town, which occupied most of the island, however, was a typical rough and dirty pirate town.  There were drunken men who looked like they hadn't showered in weeks, women wearing very small amounts of clothing hanging on random strangers, men walking around buying supplies for their ships, and many other different types of people roaming the docks.

“Are you enjoying the view?” Davy asked, coming up behind me and scaring me.

“Yes, I actually am,” I answered.  “Are we going to leave the ship?”

“If you want.  I have some supplies to pick up and you can come along if you like.”

“I’ll come.  When are you leaving?”

“Right now.”

            As I walked along the streets with Davy I looked around, trying to take in my surroundings.  The buildings we were walking by were skanky and dirty looking.  The air smelled of alcohol and the garbage that was scattered on the ground. 

            Once a group of men who were standing on the side of the street and holding beer bottles whistled at me.  One of the men yelled out something.  I didn’t hear what it was that he said, but I could tell by Davy’s reaction that it wasn’t pleasant.  He turned and gave them a look that silenced them in a second. 

            Half of me was disgusted by all this, but the other half of me loved the excitement.  I’m sure that in one say there was more excitement then a year at the town my aunt lived in.  It’s just not possible to be bored in a town like this.

            Davy picked up some food, a little rum, six yards of rope, and other assorted items for the ship.  The store that we bought the rum in also sold spices.   While Davy was buying the rum, I smelt a couple of them and was amazed by their exotic smell.  Looking around the shop and seeing it run-down, dingy condition I had a feeling the owner of the shop didn’t buy these spices.

            “Okay, I’ve got everything we needed,” Davy said.  “Lets go drop this stuff off at the boat and then we could something to eat at one of the pubs.”

            We walked back to the ship and he put the stuff away.  Then we walked to a bar with a large sign saying “WE SERVE FOOD” that was about a block away from the docks.

            “I hope you don’t mind the fact that this isn’t exactly the finest restaurant in the world, but it has food and probably low amount of vermin,” he said as we sat down, giving me a small smile.  “And it’s also the first place we passed were there weren’t guys outside giving you looks that made me want to punch them.”

            I laughed and said, “It’s okay, I’m not picky.  And wow, I never knew you were so protective,” I teased.

            “I’m not protective!”

            “Is the big, tough pirate insulted?”

            “Stop it!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2011 ⏰

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