"First time for everything then." Kanda told him dismissively, eyes rolling in haste as he started down the hall to the left. 

"Do you even know where your going?"

"I wouldn't have dragged you along if I did."

Lavi sighed following after the Wizard, guiding him the rest of the way to the Prince's rooms, Kanda taking the best mental note on the path he could but it was sort of difficult seeing as there was little differences in the hallway decor.

"Moyashi!" Kanda called determinedly as he approached the Prince's door, rapping on it so harshly that the solid oak shivered beneath his fist, "I know your in there!"

A muffled and stubborn, 'go away,' was heard through the door, and with a frown the Wizard grasped the knob, turning and pushing and finding it surprisingly unlocked.

Quickly he slipped into the room, jumping out of the way of the threshold just as the door was rammed closed with all the Prince's weight, the click of his lock evoking Lavi's protests from the other side.

"I told you to go away." The Moyashi mumbled, still facing the door, refusing to turn and look at the older male.  

"Taking orders is not something I  do, especially when they're from a stubborn angry Prince."

"Please, then," Allen said to the door again, breathing deeply and steadily, "Please go away."

Kanda hesitated any movements, he wasn't always the greatest at reading the situation but he could tell something was wrong. Why would the Moyashi not face him? He had no reason to keep his back to him, and what was with his breathing? Those steady breaths that sounded almost choked and held deep in his chest?


Kanda cautiously approached the younger, who'd raised his hands to wipe his face, and carefully he rested a hand on his shoulder just as Lavi has done before.

Only he was not knocked away.

"Moyashi, look at me."

His voice was soft, softer than he ever meant it to be, but it seemed to reach the white haired man. He turned towards Kanda slowly, eyes glued to the cold floor between them.

Frowning Kanda brushed back the little hair the Prince was trying to hide behind only to reveal a pair of tear soaked cheeks and wet shiny eyes, silver iris's standing out gorgeously against the red that rimmed his sight.   

Gently he lifted his small turned-down chin, the sight leaving confusing ping's and skips in his heart.

"Are you alright?" The Wizard asked dumbly, showing him only his concern, his own anger taking the back burner to Allen's distress.

Kanda didn't really know what he'd expected, asking that stupid question, but it hadn't been the further scrunching up of the Prince's cute features, nor the strong grip that wound itself around his torso as the Moyashi rushed into his chest, immediately dirtying the wizards robes with his tears of betrayal and snotty nose.

A soft 'ouf' was pushed from his lungs because of the unexpected embrace, the Prince being a little rougher then you would expect from someone with his looks, yet the Wizard hardly noticed. He felt strangely peaceful having the Prince curled into his chest, even though the man was crying messily, even though he should have been his usual angry self, he couldn't be that with the distraction Allen was. Pulling the younger into his arms gave them both a comforting a warmth that urged the Wizard to never let go, one that eased the Prince'd tears until they slowed.

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