The Prince's grey orbs were now trained intently on the wizard sitting next to him, his mind reeling with the information. He listened to the males deep voice with every fiber of his being, surprised by the sudden sharing of the others childhood, internally in awe by his extensive knowledge on the subject of love.

"... In fact I fear that I may have been taken into it's clutches, quite recently I feel blinded to all other beauty, deaf to all but one melodious voice, my temperature feverish when the one stands too close."

The words felt like fire pouring from Kanda's lips, he was surprised he wasn't red in embarrassment, his heart leaving his chest in it's flurry of beats.

Allen turned away, his own heart pounding in his chest. He knew just what the wizard meant, he'd been feeling that same way around Kanda, even now he felt hot in his tunic from how closely the other sat, the man's voice somehow out doing nature's orchestra, and... the garden itself seems duller then it had been just the day before.

Allen knew where his heart lay, surprisingly in the hands of an exotic man, but...

"I cower in much the same way, yearning in such ways... I wonder how my father will react when I admit to him that I'll never come to love a princess."

The wizard chuckled, thoughts racing as he gazed over the water. He hesitated a moment, a tense silence growing between them before the magic man ultimately grabbed hold of his courage. He'd stood up to a village of angry people once, armed with pitchforks and blazing fires, he could approach a fair Prince.

Cautiously, without a word, Kanda spared a glance the prince's way, slowly letting a hand slide into the others lap as he reached for his hand.

Allen felt his eyes widen as something warm slid across his lap, and when his eyes caught sight of a strong hand he felt a shiver of panic run through him.

"K-Kanda? W-What are-?"

"Damn it Moyashi," the wizard huffed, "I'm trying to hold your hand!"

He grabbed the young Prince's hand roughly, the male's face brightening deeply as he let the man take it, his blood rushing so quickly it was a wonder he didn't pass out.

The wizard faced the water, eyes not meeting the Prince's own but instead staring deeply into the pond, his hair hiding his face from the Moyashi's sight.

It was a heated silence, in the way that both of them were too nervous to say anymore, the warmth of their hands stomach flipping, until Kanda mustered up the courage to speak.

"Moyashi, I know what this is, and I think you know also what's... what this feeling means... but could... could you ever... ever-?"

"Yo! Allen! Where are you? Dinner's ready!"

Immediately upon hearing the familiar voice of the loud red headed knight the pair recoiled away from each other, Lavi coming around the side of the building as Prince Allen called out to him.

"W-We're over here Lavi!"

For a second Lavi stopped, taking in the sight of the two before an innocently goofy grin stretched over the Knights face, "There you are! Come on you two, soup's up!"

Quickly they stood from the pond side grass, brushing themselves off, Lavi approaching the pair only to shake his head.

"You should probably change Ally-boy, I don't think your father will appreciate a son covered in yesterday's grass stains at the dinner table."

"O-oh yeah, um, do you think you could show Kanda to the dinning room while I change?"

Lavi's grin widened, eyes shining mischievously.

The Witch's SonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon