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Interview with @katnisslerman16

Q:How did you first find Wattpad? What were your first thoughts?

A:I found wattpad through the App store on my iPod. It took me some time to realize that it was a website too! I thought it was awesome the first time I saw it. A place for readers and writers to converge? What could be better!

Q: Interesting. What were you thinking about your first book? Did you feel it was any good?

A:After posting the first chapter of my book on Wattpad, I was kind of embarrassed. I didn't feel as though it was good enough and contemplated taking it down before someone read it. Eventually I kind of convinced myself it wasn't as terrible as I imagined it to be. That book now has over 2 million reads so it's a good thing I never took it down!

Q: At your first 1,000 reads,what was your reaction? When it hit 1 million,what did you do then? Did you feel like writing is what you were meant for? Have you ever had one of those days where you're sad and have writers block?

A:When I reached my first 1,000 reads I ran around my house with a huge smile on my face and sang at the top of my lungs. I was so excited to have that many reads! I couldn't believe my work, the work I didn't feel was any good, had been viewed that many times. When I reached my first million I actually threw a party. I made cupcakes and wore my Wattpad t-shirt for the entire day. I basically couldn't stop smiling or bragging about it. That first million was so surreal. From the moment I started writing, I knew I was never going to be complete without it. It was a rush like no other. I don't know what it is about plots and character arcs that are so exciting to me, but I know there isn't anything more important to me than the words I write on blank pages. Are you kidding? I have terrible writing days all the time. Just because I love writing, doesn't mean I don't hate it! Sometimes I sit down and stare at my keyboard and do nothing else. Some days all I do is compare myself to other writers and feel terrible about my own work. I also get some terrible writer's block, but of course the only way to get over that is to write something, so I do. 

Q: Have you ever been hated? What did you do? Overall,how would you compare your writing to your real life?

A:Been hated for my writing? Of course, I've gotten a lot of people who don't like the way a story has gone and have been quite rude about it. You can't please everyone, you really can't, you just have to keep writing and respond as politely and maturely as you can, no matter how upset you are. Hmm, this one's tough. I'm a high school student, and I write about teenagers in general, so I guess a lot of the school gossip in my books are loosely based on real life stories I've heard. Certain characters are based off real people too. I wish my real life was like my writing! It would be way more exciting! 

Q:Do you feel like a special noun gives you the inspiration you need to keep writing?

A: A special noun? As in a person place or thing? I'm not sure. To be honest, most of my inspiration comes from books. I know this sounds weird, but when I finish a book I just feel like I want to be as good as that author, I want to keep working until I feel as though I'm as good as them. And then of course, sometimes simple things are inspiring like pretty scenery, or a line my sister said to make me laugh. Anything can be inspiring if you give it the chance to be.

Q:Just one more question,all things total,good and bad,how do you feel about Wattpad and every single person who uses,reads,and loves it?

A: I  think wattpad is the best place on the internet to post your work. It's shaped me as a budding author and creates a sense of community between the users. I've met a lot of friends on wattpad and I think the meetups they through are great! (I go every year). I also love the graphics of this site, although I wished they didn't change so much! All in all, most people on wattpad are amazingly supportive and encouraging. Without my readers, I really doubt I'd love to write as much as I do. They push me to do better and I really can't imagine writing any where else! I love wattpad!

Interview with @PMPANDA

Q: How long have you been on Wattpad and what was your first thought about it?

A: I've been on Wattpad since January 2012. Into first assumption was that for whatever reason  published authors were offering their works for free. I was a bit confused, but definitely excited for "free" books. Though I quickly found our otherwise.

Q: How did you feel about your first story? Did you think anyone would read it?

A:Quite honestly, didn't think anyone would give it a notice. With all the books on the site sometimes I wonder how anyone notices anything. I was quite nervous at first, still am actually. The only difference between me now vs then is I'm more used to it. As a writer you're always a little nervous and excited for your story will be read, that's one of the greatest parts of writing in my opinion.

Q: How did you react when you saw one of your books made it into the Watty Awards?

A: I felt excited.. over the moon. Even the people from Wattpad HQ deemed it presentable to be in the awards. It pushed me to begin writing the second book.

Q:  :Do you enjoy Wattpad, and on a scale of one to ten, how far would you go to tell everyone about it?

A: The whole of wattpad is great. Authors supporting authors is the best part. As far as telling people to join it, I'd probably do it every now and again but I'm usually just telling everyone to check out my story on the site. IF I had to give it a rating, i'd give it a 8 only because this site glitches like crazy.

Iterview with @hors​emankiller​5289

Q: What did you first think of Wattpad?

A: I thought it was a weird website.I was looking up Slenderman stories and found it.

Q:How did you feel about your first posted story?

A:Like anyone,I was nervous and wanted to quit and take it off.After awhile,people started reading it.It made it to the Watty Awards and was a smashing success.

Q:Do you ever get bitterly criticised?     

A:  Everyone does. But mine was always, always bitter sweet .With first the hurt ,then the bandage.

Q:  One more question.How would you rate Wattpad?

A:Wattpad is an app,a website,ad community.I love it!But time to time,it's got it glitch and bugs.But other than that,it's amazing! 

All interviews conducted by @SliverWolf2010

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What's Up In Wattpad Magazine tm Issue #001Where stories live. Discover now