Chapter 1

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Wow two updates in one week this literaly the fasted I've ever updated a story and I hope to keep it up until school starts that is. I alao realized that I need to put a copy right in sooo


So lets start the story~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*beep beep* I heard the god forsaken alarm blare right beside my head. I groaned and sat up, swinging my legs over the edge of my bed. I looked over and realized it was only 6:30am. I winced and stood up heading to the bathroom the shower. Half an hour later I walked out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist. I got dressed in black ANBU pants, black knee high shinobi sandals and a dark red crop top with a fishnet shirt underneath. I wrapped bandage around my ankles and strapped my kunai pouch to my right leg and my shuriken pouch in the small of my back. I walked down stairs and ate a simple breakfast, a glass of milk and a bananna. I walked out the door, locking it behind me as I began my first day of the academy. I decided to roof hop because I didn't want to deal with all of the glares from the villagers. I landed outside of the academy and sighed, cursing the Hokage in my head before walking in and finding the class I was in. I walked in and all I saw was the teacher sitting at his desk. I walked over, introduced my self and sat in the far back corner, hiding in the shadows. I leaned against the wall and dozed off. I woke up when I hears two pairs of running footsteps and two high pitch banshee screams right as a blond and a pinkette burst in yelling. Tuning them out I turned and observed my new classmates. 'Hn, a Nara, an Inuzuka, a Yamanaka, an Akimichi, a Hyuuga an Aburame and an Uchiha. Hmm Ita-chan's little brother, interesting.' I thought. I faintly heard the teacher yelling at the girls to shut up and find a seat. I sighed, finally.

"We have a new student joining us today," Iruka-sensei told everyone. He motioned for me to come up and introduce myself to everybody. "Yo, I'm Naruto Uzumaki" I waved bored, as they all stared at me. I walked back to my seat and hid within the shadows.

"Since Naruto has joined us I have decided to go over the Uzumaki clan today." Iruka-sensei said. I just ignored him and fell asleep.

I was jolted awake by a loud yelling in my ear. Looking up I saw Iruka standing over me with an angry look in his eyes.
"What is it?" I asked, yawning.

"Pay attention!" he yelled. All I did was sigh. As soon as he started speaking again I stared out the window. I saw a flash of purple hair and sighed. 'What is she doing here' I thought bitterly. 'Now everyone back at headquarters will hear about this' I winced as I thought of all the jokes I'd have to put an end to. I immediately thought of how to torture Anko till she begged for mercy. I felt a sadistic grin spread across my face.

Time Skip

*riiiiinngg* the bell rang and I looked up to to see everyone leaving. I yawned and jumped out the window. I watched as parents came to get their kids. I tensed when I heard the parents whispers they went something like this:

'What is the Hokage thinking letting a demon become a ninja'

'I hope he's not on my daughters team'

'He probably can't even use chakra' I just rolled my eyes. I saw Sasuke walking home by himself and decided to walk over. I tapped his shoulder.

"Hey Uchiha" I greeted. All I got was a 'hn'. "What's with all the girls fawning over you?" I asked. I swear to Kami his face was paper white. He shivered.

"I don't even know, they just follow me everywhere even when I shoo them off" He spoke, with a hint of fear in his voice. I hummed a quiet tuned as we walked.

"Where are you headed?" I asked.

"Training grounds, wanna practice?" I nodded and looked back when I felt weak wave of KI.
My eyes widened and I grabbed Sasuke's arm and used the 'body flicker' jutsu to go to training groung 7.

"What was thay for!" he yelled.

"Fangirls" was all I said. He paled.

"Gomen, Naruto and arigatou for getting us away" he mumbled I nodded.

"Wanna spar?" I asked. He just nodded and got into his clan's stance. I settled into my own stance and motioned for him to strike first. His right hand hooked for my jaw and I ducked. I countered with a flurry of punches to his mid section. He coughed up a bit of blood and staggered. I looked at him and rubbed the back of my neck. I crouched beside him and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I lifted him off the ground, onto his feet.

"Gomenasai" I whispered as I headed towards my shitty apartment. I opened the door and flicked a switch, laying Sasuke on the couch I began healing his stomach and any internal injuries I may have caused. I took him to my room and laid him in the bed, pulling the covers over him. I walked into the kitchen to make a cup of tea for myself. I sat down on the couch and sighed.

*time skip brought to you by the duck ass on Sasuke's head (lol)*

Sasuke's POV

I groaned as I opened my eyes. My stomach was sore. I looked around and realized I wasn't in my room. The bedroom door opened and the new kid Naruto walked in. 'Must be his room' I tought. He walked over and handed me a cup of tea, flashing a small, nearly invisible smile. I nodded and stood up, carefully. He led me downstairs and I took this time to look at where I was. The paint on the walls was chipped and if you looked closely you could see nearly invisible insults on the walls and windows. I shook my head and followed him to the door.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow at the academy then" He mumbled and shut the door behind me.

I stitched together a couple chapters again to make this longer


Naruto Uchiha: The Bloody KitsuneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant