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lukeyhere: you're a loser did you know that

mikestand: you aren't exactly the coolest dude on the block 

lukeyhere: 'block' 

lukeyhere: we aren't american 

mikestand: maybe i am

lukeyhere: are you

mikestand: no

lukeyhere: your point was invalid

mikestand: you're invalid

lukeyhere: ouch you wound me

mikestand: i'm kidding bby ily

lukeyhere: what would your dream date be

mikestand: a nice fuck

lukeyhere: mikey i'm serious

mikestand: idk like,,, i enjoy rides and games and stuff so a carnival or an arcade would be a good choice

mikestand: p cliche but

mikestand: why?

lukeyhere: i'm thinking of ideas for a date for Ty

lukeyhere: because he always plans dates and so i wanna plan one

mikestand: oh right

lukeyhere: would you help me? like this is the first time i'm doing something like this and i wanna get it right

mikestand: sure

mikestand: what do you have so far?

lukeyhere: i mean i was thinking of doing something outside bc he smokes a lot so it would be easier

mikestand: what? he can't go like 2/3 hours without a cigarette? 

lukeyhere: nah he's p addicted 

mikestand: you don't like smoking? 

mikestand: you literally went on a massive rant about it not too long ago

lukeyhere: well it's not too bad i guess

lukeyhere: you don't usually like every single thing your partner does

lukeyhere: anyway, so about the date, i think he likes playing games and stuff 

mikestand: you think?

lukeyhere: we don't really talk about him

mikestand: right

mikestand: what do you know?

lukeyhere: he's cute and he likes me

mikestand: ok, anything else?

lukeyhere: what else is there?

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