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lukeyhere: i'm ill and bored

mikestand: send nudes

lukeyhere: what can i do

mikestand: me

mikestand: do me

lukeyhere: mikey i'm ill

lukeyhere: and i'm also dating Ty

mikestand: who's Ty wtf

lukeyhere: the guy from the beach :-)

mikestand: he has a stupid name 

lukeyhere: you have a stupid name

mikestand: why did you have to drag my name into this

lukeyhere: \_ツ)_/

mikestand: you missed out the hands dumbass

lukeyhere: :-(

mikestand: me: sighs loudly

lukeyhere: hey guess what mikey

mikestand: what

lukeyhere: i came out at work today!!

mikestand: yaay!! proud of you

mikestand: how'd it go???

lukeyhere: they fired me lol

mikestand: wait what

mikestand: are you fucking with  me

lukeyhere: nope :-))))

mikestand: holy shit luke that's awful

mikestand: where did you work??

lukeyhere: just a little cafe by the beach 

lukeyhere: it's weird though bc literally everyone but the owner was chill with it????

lukeyhere: probably because he is like 2000 years old with 3 teeth 

mikestand: what do the three teeth have to do with anything

lukeyhere: he's obviously jealous of my 32 teeth

mikestand: of course

mikestand: you can find another job though? you know that right

lukeyhere: god idk mikey, things would be easier if i wasn't gay

mikestand: hey, we had this conversation already remember

mikestand: you're going to be okay

lukeyhere: i sure hope so 

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