Taking it to the Street's - Chapter 1

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Soooo to kick off the re-writing of this i'm doing the first chapter again hope u all like it


Cheetah's P.O.V.

" Tucker has everyone done their rounds with the lower gangs." I asked him.

I was sitting at my desk, in my office filling through all the paper work. After 7 years since Keiran and I started the gang we had gathered up to 27 members off the streets and from mistreated homes. Many of our members led normal lives with normal jobs while the other few worked as managers in the few resturants and clubs that i had bought. Tucker worked as my personal assistant during the day while the others weren't around.

" They certainly have. Carmella just checked in, Dynamite's cash haul is entering your account in 15 minutes." He told me.

" Good. Tell me immedietly if anything changes with the lower gangs or if any member of Allegance crosses the border." I told him.

" Ofcourse Danii." He said using my nickname.

I gave him a smile as he left the room and got back to work. I was halfway through the accounts for one of my clubs Addiction when i heard a ringing sound. I turned and saw that it was coming from the screen on the wall, telling me i had a video call. I pressed a button on my desk sending a message to everyone telling them that i was in a Council and shouldn't disturb me. I quickly grabbed my Cheetah mask from the top draw of my desk then rolled my chair over quickly infront of the screen as it turned on. I was smooting out my hair when a figure appeared.

" Cheetah."

" Gladiator." I greeted.

" Anything to report." He asked lazily leaning back in his chair.

" Nope, not today. I'm guessing Houdini is living up to his name and not showing up for another council." I said the last part dramaticaly.

" Hahaha your usual hatefull self towards Houdini never surprises me." He laughed.

" Yeah yeah, how are the rest of the guys." I asked taking my mask off and relaxing.

" Their alright, complaining like usual and keep on asking when they get to see you and your guys again." He said dryly.

" Hey what can i say, i'm that likeable." I joked.

You may be wondering what's going on well Gladiator is Houdini's second in command and a very close friend of mine along with most of Houdini's gang ofcourse he didn't know that and if he did he would probably think that i was trying to take over every gang by taking over his. Houdini is starting to lack in his Council meetings using Gladiator to fill in for him, normaly we Council using video call but i have a feeling we need to go back to face to face meetings even though we don't see each other's faces. It didn't matter if i had my mask on or not with Gladiator though as he found out my identity years ago.

" How are you and Jason." Gladiator suddenly asked.

" Urgh pa-lease i got rid of him weeks ago." I said in discust.

" What now." He sighed.

" I caught him withdrawing money from my accound, $10,000 dollars to be exact." I told him.

" Asshole." He muttered.

" I hear you. So is this just a friendly talk or do you have anything real for me." I asked.

" Well actually i do, Houdini doesn't know this yet but you know one of our lower gangs Brutal?"

" Yeah ofcourse i do they ask for sanctuary yesterday." I told him.

Taking it to the Street's (ON HOLD)( Editing)Where stories live. Discover now