Final Chapter

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Selena examined her reflection. She wasn’t aware that she could fit perfectly well in a wedding dress. She dreamt of being a bride and that was taken away from her when she was in the cabaret. But now, her life seemed to get back on track.

The ceremony would be starting in ten minutes. She was nervous and fidgety as hell. She was left alone in the bridal room without her maids to tender her needs. She looked around her. The feeling of solitude wrapped her instead.

She decided to foster the feeling. Not for long, she would be bidding goodbye to a gloomy past. Her heart and mind would be owned and she would no longer be walking alone for the rest of her life.

She smiled. She needed that. Marrying the guy was more than her convenience.

One of her bridesmaid walked in, informing her to get ready. She was getting ecstatic. She only hoped that everything would turn out fine.

Slowly, she walked over to the end of the line where the bride was supposed to stand – her place, so to speak. She was grinning from ear to ear. She never felt so proud and happy.

“You look lovely,” said her maid of honor.

“Thank you so much. You too.” she smiled back.

She didn’t really get to know her entourage. She didn’t get to invite any of her relatives. What for? They were the ones who sold her to the cabaret. They were a part of the history that she wanted to forget.

Her smile slowly faded when almost half an hour had passed and nothing seemed to happen according to plan. A butler in tuxedo approached her. She was already frowning then.

“What happened? Is there something wrong?” Selena asked.

The butler looked at her apologetically.

“I’m sorry madam. We are still waiting for the Best Man. He is late.” He answered.

“Well, let’s not wait for him. I’m getting anxious already.”

She was, indeed, pissed off. She wanted to hit the Best Man so bad.

“I’m sorry madam but Mr. Wazowski couldn’t agree to that, he said. The Best Man is the young master.” He curtsied and walked away.

Selena heaved a sigh. Oh right, the young master was her lover’s son. He mentioned him a couple of times but she never got to see who he was or how he looked like. He remained a mystery to her.

Finally, the bell rang. The wedding had just begun. She inhaled deeply and put on her best mood. It was a perfect day.

As she marched at the end, she could hear the people gasped at the sight of her. It was the first time that these people saw the image of the rich man’s new wife. Her rumored beauty was profound and true.

She was nervous and anxious but managed to hold her chin up as she strode with poise toward the altar. As she walked nearer, a young man with black hair and piercing dark eyes caught her attention. He looked familiar but different and she couldn’t seem to recall his name.

His gaze was intense and deep and she felt her heart thumped heavily against her ribs. It was a bad time to have it actually happening in her wedding towards other man. She gulped and looked away consciously. Selena focused on the older man that stood behind him. She smiled as he offered her his arm.

“Condescending, huh?” she heard the young man spoke to her as she walked passed him.

Her eyes widened in shock. She looked at him briefly.

“Devon…” she whispered.

David pulled her gently.

“He’s my son. He’s Devon. C’mon now, we shouldn’t keep the Priest waiting now, should we?” he said cheerfully. He was beaming delightfully to his bride.

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