Chapter 52- Bad Mornings Always Turns Out Good

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[Julia's POV]

I woke up in my bed, feeling Pete's bare chest against mine. Wondering what time it was, I looked at my phone. My eyes soon widened.

"7:50!"I screamed, waking up Pete.

"What?"he said.

I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet, grabbing a pair of jeans.

"School starts in ten minutes! Frick!"I screamed.

Pete got up. He was fixing my covers.

"Forget about them! Just get ready, baby!"I told Pete.

He backed away from the covers and walked over to my dresser.

"Do you have some shirts that I gave you that are clean?"he asked me.

"Yes. Top drawer!"I told him.

I ran around my room, grabbing things for the day. Once I was done, I realized I had to do my makeup. Putting on eyeshadow, after I put on some mascara and my usual make up. As I did it, I felt someone stare at me.

I looked in my mirror and saw Pete looking at me.

"You don't need makeup. You're already beautiful the way you are!"he said.

Pete put his arms around me and I smiled. I kept doing my make up and grabbed my eyeliner. Once I started doing my eyeliner, I messed up.

"Dang it!"I said.

I know this was going to be a bad day!

"Hold up. Baby, relax!"Pete said, turning me around to face him. "I'll do your makeup, okay?"

I nodded. He grabbed the eyeliner from my hands.

"Close your eyes..."Pete told me.

I closed my eyes as he applied the eyeliner. I'm pretty happy to have a guy who wore eyeliner, so he could help me! I smiled, thinking about how Pete was being so sweet.

"Okay, done..."he said.

I opened my eyes and Pete held up his phone. The camera was on me.

"Is it good?"he asked.

I looked at my make up and smiled. I hugged him, tight.

"Yes. Thank you, Petey!"I felt him kiss my head.

"Okay, let's go now!"he said.

I let go and we both left. We walked down the hall hand and hand.

"Don't you have to grab breakfast in your dad's office?"Pete asked.

I sighed, forgetting I had.

"Yeah!"I said. "I totally forgot!"

"Hey!"I heard as me and Pete walked.

I turned around and saw my dad with something in his hands.

"Why didn't you come to my office?"he asked as he walked closer.

He handed me what was in his hand, which was a chicken biscuit.

"Woke up late..."I told him.

He pointed to Pete. "Was he in your dorm?"he asked me.

I began to get nervous. My dad knew I wasn't supposed to have guys in my dorm, but I kept it from him.

"You know you aren't aloud to! He's wearing one of your shirts!"my dad said.

My dad crossed his arms as my face turned red.

"He was in your room wasn't he?"My dad looked at me.

"Mr. Norcross, it's not her fault. When Julia and Patrick were looking for Anna last night, I fell asleep in her room and never woke up. I'm sorry, sir!"Pete lied.

My dad nodded. "Alright, as long as you tell me the truth, I'm okay with that."

I breathed out in relief, knowing my dad believed the lie.

"I'll see you later, honey!"my dad said and walked away.

Once we didn't see him I hugged Pete.

"Thanks for lying..."I said.

"Anything for my girl!"Pete said. "Now, can we share that biscuit?"

I pulled away and shook my head.

"Hey, I lied for you!"I sighed.

I opened it and handed it to him.

"Fine, take a bite!"I whined.

Pete grabbed it and took a big bite. I pulled it away from him.

"Don't eat the whole thing,
Peter!"I screamed. "I'm hungry too!"

"Don't be a hog, girl!"Pete said.

I smacked him and took a bite. "I'm not a hog!"

He kissed my cheek as I chewed. I gave him the biscuit and we started walking.

"So, your dad won't let you have guys in the dorm! Did you have your other boyfriends in there?"Pete said as he took a bite.

I shook my head, knowing it was the truth. No guy except him walked through that door.

"Nope. Only you!"I told him.

"Mmhmm!"I heard Pete.

"It's true Pete."

"Why am I the only one? Is it because I'm meant for you?"he hugged me.

"I hope you're meant for me. I love you! I want you forever!"I hugged him back.

"I love you too. And I want you forever too,"Pete told me.

I looked up at him. "You mean that?"

He nodded. "Of course, Julia. I want no one else, but you. It's only you. And it will always be you!"

I hugged him tighter. "Oh, Pete. You're so sweet! I love you so much! Please don't leave me for someone else, Pete."

"I promise I won't leave you for someone else. I need you!"I kissed his cheek.

"And I need you. But, I need food right now!"I grabbed the biscuit out of his hand.

I took a bite as I heard Pete laugh. I looked at the biscuit as there was one bite left.

"I get the last bite, right?"Pete asked.

I chewed and looked at Pete. He was giving me puppy dog eyes. Oh, I always gave in when he did that.

"Fine!"I handed him he last piece.

"You're the best!"he said and ate the last bite.

I looked at him and he looked at me.

"How did I get so lucky?"I asked him.

He looked at me and kissed me. "You know who's meant for you. And you picked the best emo guy!"

I giggled. "You are the best emo! My cute emo boyfriend."

I got on his back and he laughed.

"I surely am!"he said.

I wrapped my arms around him as he carried me.

"Oh, I love you!"I kissed his neck over and over.

"I love you...too!"Pete said as I kissed his a spot on his neck that made him weak.

I held on to him and giggled. Oh, I needed around forever!
I got to post! So happy! Next one will be soon!💋✨

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