"The most shocking thing was that A turned out to be..." Swayam said after a few minutes of silence.

"SWAYAM!" Sharon yelled before she pouted and turned away determined not to talk to Swayam. She allows him to stay so that he won't get wet and he repays her by giving her spoilers! Such a great friend she has found in Swayam. Yes, you can clearly see how sarcastic Sharon can be.

"Sharon? Hey come on. You know I can't tolerate it when you avoid me. " Swayam said at which Sharon smiles but soon hides it. After receiving silence, Swayam goes ahead and pokes her.

"Come on, I didn't actually tell you. You know how much I love teasing you right." He said as he continued to poke her. Sharon just smirked. The old trick was not going to work as she was not even slightly ticklish and well Swayam on the other hand would squeak if someone tickled him. Realizing this Sharon's smirk turns into an evil one. Poor Swayam fails to notice this and as soon as he is about to give up Sharon turns and tickles him. He bursts out in laughter and falls on the floor with Sharon still tickling him.

"O...kay...lea...learned my...lesson.. Please...stop! " Swayam said in between his uncontrollable laughs. Sharon laughs, enjoying seeing Swayam in this condition. The night is going in her favour! When Sharon gets lost for a fraction of a second Swayam holds her hand and pulls her down resulting in Sharon falling on top of him. They both are still laughing on their crazy antics.

"Never ever tickle me again." Swayam warned Sharon to which she replied by poking him in the stomach.

They both stood up and remained in a kind of awkward silence. The night really was eventful. Sharon couldn't believe so much could happen in one day and she definitely thought there was a slight change in their relationship. Whether it was good or bad only time could tell but Sharon at that time knew that shift had caused awkwardness between them. To lighten the mood she broke the silence saying "I guess you're trapped here. This rain doesn't seem to stop." Swayam nodded with his eyes wandering to the different books Sharon kept until his eyes came to a stop on something.

"What's this?" Swayam asked as he picked up a book lying on a shelf.

"What? Where did you find this?" Sharon asked as she saw Swayam turning the pages of the book. Swayam didn't reply and continued looking at the contents of the book. Sharon tried to analyse his reaction to the book or you could call it more of an album. Her eyes remained focussed on Swayam who was still looking at it and had stopped turning pages.

"Who is this guy?" He finally asked with somewhat a tone of jealousy.

"He..no one." Sharon said as she took the album from his hands and placed it in a corner where no one would notice it.

"It certainly didn't look like someone." Swayam said.

"Swayam...please I... He really is no one. The rain has stopped too maybe you should leave." Sharon said with coldness in her voice. Swayam indeed felt this change. It was as if she was building walls around herself which never existed and Swayam wanted to know what happened that forced Sharon to build up her walls. Sharon wasn't the type of girl who kept her emotions inside her. She kept her heart on her sleeves which was always a fascinating thing about her. Swayam wanted answers and he knew Sharon was the only one who could provide him with them.

"Sharon...you know you can share anything with me." He said as he held her shoulders making her face towards him. Sharon looked in his eyes to find concern swarming in them. She wanted to share with him, the pain, the rejection, the fears and negativity. She had kept them bottled for a long time and deep inside she knew she trusted Swayam to bare her heart to him. She took a long breathe and decided to tell Swayam. Maybe telling it out loud to someone would make her forget.

"You're right. I should get out of my mind." She said with her back faced towards Swayam. The tears threatened to spill while all the memories danced in front of her eyes. She faced him again to see a concerned expression on Swayam. She knew he was curious to know about why she was so affected by one person. Even she would have been curious because she knew she was never like this, pondering and regretting on one event of her life.

"He was my boyfriend." She said finally. "I knew him since school and then.." Sharon couldn't continue. The memories washed her down like a big wave. Tears started flowing freely and seeing this Swayam panicked and immediately hugged Sharon trying to console her.

"Wow! I'm so pathetic. I started crying even at the mention of him." She said wiping her tears.

"No you're not pathetic for having feelings Sharon. All I know is he hurt you and he doesn't deserve your tears." Swayam said.

Sharon sniffled and hid her face in his arms grateful for having Swayam in her and she had promised herself she would never let me go.

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