The Past

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Kat's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the window. Typical of not-so-sunny Scarborough. Still, I love the sound of rain. It soothes me.
I gently stood up, careful to not wake Gerard. Then walked over to the window. I leaned against the window frame, looking out. The view was amazing. I linked my hands together and rested them on my bump. I watched the rain hit the window and the waves lapping against the shore. My mind wondering to Gerard, again.
I still can't believe we're married. I remember the first time I ever saw him. It was after a show when he was still in My Chemical Romance. The guys weren't well known then. I was visiting a friend in New Jersey and the guys were messing around outside their small tour bus. He had black hair to his shoulders then. My friend, Carly, was watching Mikey.

"Fuck. He's hot." She'd said.
I'd laughed, causing them all to look our way. Gerard smiled at me. I smiled back. I remember thinking I'd love to meet him. But my phone rang. I answered while we stared at each other.
Me: "Hello?"
Caller: "Hey, Kat."
I frowned as I looked at Carly. She snatched the phone off me.
Carly: "Quit fucking calling her or I swear I'll track you down and rip your tiny little dick off."
She'd hung up, then passed me the phone back.
I sighed as I put it back in my jeans pocket. Then I turned back to look at Gerard. He was frowning at me. I bit my bottom lip and sighed again.
"That guy is a fucking disgusting prick." Carly said.
I looked back at her. "I know. But how do I stop him calling me?"
"Block his number."
"Numbers withheld."
"Fuck. Who is he anyway?"
I shook my head. "His name is Tim Martins." I looked back at Gerard. He smiled at me again as he leaned against the van.
I smiled back, sadly. "Jessie's boyfriend, Gavin, introduced us. He was nice at first. But then he became really obsessed with me."
My phone rang again. I frowned down at the caller id. With held. I sighed as I answered.
Me: "Leave me alone."
Tim: "Not a chance, babe. You should come to my place so I can f...."
I hung up and sighed. "He won't give up."
"Right." Carly said, grabbing my arm. "We're going to the police."
I looked at her, in shock. "What?"
"You have to report it."
I shook my head as I pulled my arm loose. "How? He's in the UK."
Carly sighed as she sat on the wall. "My friend is a cop." She pointed out as she took out her phone.
My phone buzzed, signalling a text. I took it out and looked at it.

Your friend should watch her mouth. If she talks to me like that again, I'll rip her pretty blonde head off her shoulders.

I froze. How the fuck does he know Carly is blonde? Unless....
"He's here." I said, quietly, as I looked around. Gerard was still watching me.
"What?" Carly asked.
I looked back at her. "He text me. He knows your blonde." I sat on the wall beside her and ran my fingers through my hair. "He followed me."
"I've text my cop friend." She informed me. "He answered straight away. He'll be here in five."
I looked back at Gerard. The guy's were all watching us now. They were talking among themselves as Gerard smiled at me. I bit my bottom lip as I looked back at him. A minute later, a police car pulled up. I looked at Carly.
"Is this him?" I asked as the uniformed officer climbed out.
"Yep." She said as she walked towards him.
I stood up and waited for him to approach me.
"This is Marco Taylor." Carly introduced the tall blond man. " This is Katherine Kassis. Kat."
Marco shook my hand, smiling. "Pleased to meet you, marm." He said in his southern American accent.
"Likewise." I said, quietly. I sneaked a look at Gerard. He was still watching me. But the smile had gone. Replaced with a frown.
"Can I see the message, please?" Marco asked.
I took my phone out and frowned at the screen as I searched for the text. Then I handed him the phone.
He frowned as he read the text. "How often does he phone and text?" He asked, looking back at me.
I leaned against the wall as I looked back at Gerard. He was still watching me. "Every hour." I admitted.
Gerard again. I offered him a sad smile.
"What does he usually say?" Marco asked.
I closed my eyes and lowered my head. "Which version do you want?" I asked, shakily. "The clean, edited version or the disgusting, unedited version?"
"That bad, huh?"
"You have no idea." I said, looking back up at him.
"Unfortunately I need the unedited version. Sorry."
I sighed as I looked back at the ground infront of me. "Most times he says things like, 'You should come back to my place so I can fuck your brains out.' Or, 'I really want to fuck you up the ass.'" I looked back at Gerard. "He sends me takeaways and gifts."
I turned towards a movement to my far left. It was Tim in the distance. He ran as I pointed him out to Marco.
"Both of you, get in the car." Marco ordered.
Last I saw of Gerard was his sad smile as Marco drove us away.

I don't think Gerard remembers that day. I've changed a bit since then. My hairs a lot longer. I'm also a little slimmer.
A pair of arms snaked around my waist, startling me a little. Gerard kissed my neck.
"Hey, baby." He said as he leaned his chin on my shoulder. "You were in a world of your own."
I leaned my head against his. "I was just remembering the day I first saw you." I admitted.
"When you left in the cop car?"
I turned in his arms and looked at him in surprise. "You do remember?"
He smiled as he kissed my lips.
"How could I not?" He said, moving back a little to look in my eyes. "I've been looking for you ever since. But I didn't have a name or an address. Didn't help that both your friend and the cop vanished too."
I smiled. "They got married and moved to Spain three months later."
A look of understanding crossed his face. "Ahh. I get it now." He sighed. "I couldn't believe my luck when I saw you at the signing. I stayed single because I wanted to find you."


Boring filler. Hope you like it though. Love as always. xxx

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