The Rush

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Gerard's P.O.V

​Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

​One month later.​​​​​​​​

​Kat's been gone a month now. I feel...lost. Empty. Life seems so...pointless. Nothing seems right since Kat was taken. I spend all day, every day sat on the couch, staring into space. Mikey's not much better. He won't leave me. He's miserable. But he at least talks to people. I haven't spoken since the detective left the first day. Ray and Frank were making Mikey eat, bathe and sleep. Bob had to force me. I'm not even bothered about coffee. Kat's all I care about right now. Until she's back, I don't give a fuck.

​Bob's P.O.V

​I stared at the site on the couch. The Way brothers sat side by side, staring into space. Pure sadness etched onto their faces.
​"Ray's made sandwiches for them." Frank said as he stopped beside me.
​I sighed. "Still no movement." I said, sadly. "I'm seriously worried about Gerard. He's not moved or spoken since Tim took Kat. I have to force him to eat, shower and sleep. I'm fucking exhausted. But I won't let him give in on himself."
​"I'll call the parents." Frank said as he took out his phone.
​I shook my head. "They've only just got home. If they come back now, they'll lose they're jobs. I'm okay. So will they be. Kat will be okay. And so will baby Way. Kat will fight him. I guarantee it."

​Gerard's P.O.V

​I saw Frank approach Mikey. I listened but I don't really care.
​"Come on, Mikey." Frank said as he helped a unresponsive Mikey to his feet. "Let's get you eating." Mikey didn't answer as he allowed Frank to lead him away.
​Bob crouched infront of me, giving me a tired, sad smile. "Come on, Gerard." He said, softly. "You need to eat. If you don't, you'll die. I won't let that happen. Kat would kill me."
​I didn't respond. Kat. My Kat. I miss her so much. Please let her be okay.
​The front door flew open and Gavin burst in with Jessie and Detective McKinnon in tow. I stood up and stared at him as everyone ran into the room.
​"We need to talk." Gavin smiled.
​"Kat?" I whispered with hope.
​"Yeah." Gavin admitted. "Me and Jessie haven't slept much. We've been researching abandoned buildings and checking every one of them out. We've had no luck. Until we came across the last one. He's there. I'm positive. I'd stake my life on it. We know where Kat is."
​Bob grabbed his keys. "I'll take Ray, Frank, Gavin and Jessie." He ordered. "Detective McKinnon can take Gerard and Mikey. We'll follow you."
​"It's Jeremy. "Detective McKinnon clarified. "I've had back up meet us there. He's definitely there."

​Jeremy's P.O.V

​We piled into the vehicles and were speeding towards our destination in seconds. This case has had me awake all night, every night. I won't forgive myself if Kat or the baby are harmed. It's taken a fucking civilian to do my fucking job. That's just unacceptable. I should have found them. But I WILL be the one to bring the fucker in.
​We arrived at the scene. A abandoned hospital. That's what threw Gavin. He checked out the mansions first. I told the guys to stay with three uniformed officers while I went to talk to Sargent Yates.
​"So what's the situation?" I asked the blonde woman.
​She sighed. "It seems that he has her in a old morgue in the basement." She said. "From the look of his car, she's been treated like a princess. Flower petals on the back seat, empty boxes of chocolates, still wrapped scented candles, empty boxes of perfume. That sort of thing. We've heard nothing from inside. But what worries me is that a tramp who was staying in there said he'd seen a man taking in medical equipment. Like a box of scalpels and a bottle of chloroform. Bandages and plasters. Needles and tubes."
​I ran my fingers through my hair. "Fuck." I cursed. "He's really going to do it."
​Yates frowned. "Do what?"
​"Kat's pregnant." I muttered. "He thinks it should have been his. It's not so..."
​Yates paled. "He's going to cut it out?" She whisper shouted. "Sick bastard."
​"I hope to fucking god we're not too late." I said as I withdrew my gun and headed to the enterance with Yates and four uniformed officers following me.
​I didn't take long to get to the morgue. We'd just turned the corner into the corridor leading to the morgue when we heard a blood curdling scream. I ran down the corridor and kicked the door open. "Freeze." I told the man as he advanced towards the frightened dark haired woman in the corner. He ignored me and carried on towards the woman. "I said freeze, you fucking phycho." He still ignored me. I saw a object shining in the hand he was aiming for the woman. I shot his arm. He advanced. I shot his knee. He advanced. The only option I had left was his temple. I aimed and pulled the trigger.

​Gerard's P.O.V

​We all froze and stared at the building in horror as we heard three loud bangs. Five minutes passed before I heard Jeremy's voice over the police radio.
​"Fetch me the Way brothers." He said. "She won't let anyone near her. She has a scalpel and a wound on her right side. I think she has some sort of drugs in her system too. The wound is bleeding bad."
​My heart stopped as a policeman led Me and Mikey to the morgue. We froze in the doorway. Kat was stood in a corner, holding her side. Blood seeped out between her fingers. In her other hand was a scalpel. Her eye's were wide in fear.
​I walked slowly towards her, my hands out where she could see them. "Kat, baby." I said, softly.
​​​ Her eye's swung to meet mine. She looked petrified. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"Gerard?" She muttered as she dropped the scalpel and ran into my open arms. I lifted her up and Mikey grabbed a bandage. He held it over her wound as she gripped my shirt with both hands.

Gerard Way Fell In Love With MeWhere stories live. Discover now