Chapter 17 Part Three

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Prompt: 'Small Bump' Part 3.

"I want to have a baby."

Camila dropped the glass that was halfway to her mouth, the water splattering across the floor as glass shards littered the floor; but the brunette could only gap at her wife who stood in the doorway of the kitchen nervously wringing her hands while chewing at her lower lip with her eyes downcast to the tiled ground.

"Y-You want to what?"

"Uh, we need to get this cleaned up."

Lauren spun on her heel to hurry off to get a broom, but Camila leaped over the shards and hurried to her wife's side, grabbing her around the waist and whirling her around and she looked into nervous green eyes and felt her heart thumping heavily in her chest as she swallowed hard and tried to remain calm.

"Did you say you want to have another baby, Lauren? Please, tell me I heard you right." Camila begged as she watched Lauren shift her eyes around before nodding slowly, the younger woman carefully cupping her wife's face in her hands. "Words, Lauren. I want to hear you say it, I need to hear you say it."

Lauren sucked in a deep breath and swallowed hard around the lump in her throat, "It's been over a year, and I'm ready to try again. I want a family with you, Camila. This time though, I'm going to put less stress on myself and that means cutting back on stuff with the group. I won't be able to do meet and greets and stuff.

"T-That's perfectly fine, baby. Whatever you want. Anything you say goes, the world is your oyster. I promise you that." Camila declared, nodding her head excitedly as she felt her lower lip quivering. "Are you sure you're ready to do this, Lauren? After what happened two months ago, I don't want that happening again."

Lauren winced as she recalled her freak out in the doctor's office before shaking the memory off, "I'm ready. I thought about it and I want to do this for us, for you. I want a baby, and I know you've wanted kids for years. I want to make you happy."

"Lauren, I'm happy with or without a baby." Camila assured her, tucking a strand of Lauren's hair behind her ear. "You make me happy. But having a mini you? I'm not going to lie, the thought of that thrills me."

"So, you want this too? You're okay with me trying again?" Lauren asked with a raised eyebrow, Camila's head bobbing up and down happily as she bit her lower lip. "Then it's settled, we're...we're having a baby."

"We're having a baby." Camila repeated as she drew Lauren down into a kiss, the older woman moaning softly as she responded to the touch before Camila's hands danced downward and she skillfully flicked Lauren's jeans open.

"Mm, we need to clean up the mess in the kitchen..."

"We really need to celebrate." Camila scoffed, shoving Lauren onto the couch and straddling her waist as she pressed kisses up the length of her neck before drawing her earlob into her mouth and nibbling at it. "Let's make a baby."

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