The Kiss

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We walk into the museum together. I look over at Bailey. She looks like she's staring at someone. Curiosity took over me and I followed her gaze to a pretty attractive guy, if I do say so. I quickly slip away from the three, who are in the museum gift shop, to Bailey.

I stand beside her for a moment before I speak up. "He's cute." I state, making her jump into the real world. "Uh, ya I guess..." she replies looking at me, but glancing back at the brunette every now and then. "You should go talk to him." I say calmly.

She looks at me like I'm crazy. "What?! Talk to hi-talk to him! I can't even look at him without drooling! I can't talk to him!" She whisper yells. "Ok look. He's not with anybody. He's at the museum by himself. He's intelligent, obviously cute. Plus, you might never even talk to him again. Go! Give him a chance!" I persuade.

She looks at me nervously and bites her lip. "Ok. I'll go." she nods. "Yes! Thata girl! Go get him!" I say as I watch her walk off. My little girl's growing up! I laugh to myself. She walks up to him and they have a long conversation.

She looks over at me with a thumbs up. I laugh and return the sign. The two walk off together farther into the museum. That's my girl. I walk into the gift shop to find the others after I realize I was alone in the middle of the museum.

I find the back of a blond head and walk over. He turns around just as I got to him. "Nice hat!" I joke, looking at his pink octopus hat he must've found in the shop here.

"Oh! Thanks! Which one do you like better?" He laughs and shows me another hat. It's a styrofoam dinosaur hat which I can't help laughing at. "The dinosaur. Definitely." I say sarcastically. He lets out a laugh and sets down both hats.

He grabs my hand and leads me out of the shop into the actual museum. Since it's late, there's like nobody here which is nice. I can have a little one-on-one time with Ty.

I walk through the dinosaur exhibit with Ty, which of course I found totally ironic. "You gotta take a picture with the T-Rex!" I exclaim and pull out my phone. Ty protests a little but poses with the extinct animal.

I take a couple pictures and laugh at Ty's goofy faces. "Beautiful! As usual!" I beam at him and show him the pictures. He laughs and leads me on.

We walk through the old timey exhibit thing. It's like a whole city in the museum that's like from the 1800s. It's one of my favorite exhibits. I scoff my feet against the rock pavement.

"Ty?" I spark up a conversation. "Mhm?" Ty says back. "If you never became an actor, what would your job be? Like, how would you pay for stuff? Like food. And a house." I ask him curiously. He glances at me and then back at the old buildings.

"I don't know. I've been acting since I was, like, 3 weeks old. If I never acted, I'd feel kinda empty.." He says thoughtfully. I smile at him. He smiles back. We start to walk slower and eventually come to a stop. We look into each others eyes.

I look for words but can't find any and just stare longer. Butterflies swarm in my stomach so much, I think I might throw up. I look away and walk over to the small water fountain that's just a few feet ahead of us.

I sit on the edge and Ty sits next to me. Ty digs into his pocket and pulls out a coin. I smile to him, make a wish with the coin, and throw it in the water. I watch it sink to the bottom silently.

"What did you wish for?" Ty asks. I smirk a little. "If I tell you my wish, it won't come true!" I laugh. "Well, since it's my coin, I think I have an exception!" We laugh together a little until the laugher dies down.

I stare at his eyes and I slowly drift down to his lips. I look back at his eyes. They look so soft and calming. He leans in a bit and I do the same, biting my lip. Our heads were inches away and my stomach turns in knots. Good knots. Love knots. He leans closer, and...


A/N: Hey guys and girls! Sorry I took so long to update! School's coming up soon and I am NOT mentally ready. But here you go! Vote and comment what you think!

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