Date Night In 5..4..3..2.. Wait? Date?!

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"Baileyy! The date. My date with Ty's today! Wait, what if Ty doesn't even mean for it to be a date?! Oh god! What am I even supposed to wear?!" I rant to Bailey and plop on the hotel bed.

"Wait, what are you doing during this? You can't just stay here with my mom. Maybe you and Nick can tag along. Can you text Ty and ask if you can?" I say before she can answer my first thousand questions.

She nods and picks up her phone. "Well why don't you wear a dress?" Bailey asks me while texting Ty. "I can't. I didn't bring any other clothes because I didn't think we'd be here more than a day!" I explain.

Bailey laughs. "Than why'd you ask? Besides, didn't your mom buy a new dress from that store yesterday?" I sit up on the bed and smile. "Oh, ya! I'll wear that! Thanks Bail!" She smiles at me.

All of a sudden, my phone starts buzzing. I look at the caller ID. It's Lacey! She's my friend from my old school. We still talk a lot, and right now she's in Cali! I don't know why'd she be calling me when she's in California.

I pick up the call. "Hey- wait what?!" I ask through the phone. "What?" Bailey asks me. I cover the phone with my hand. "Lacey. She just met Hayden Byerly!" I explain to her. Hayden's her celebrity crush. I guess we all met our celebrity crushes in the past couple days!

"Whoa whoa whoa. Hold up. He what?!" I exclaim. "What?! What did he do?!" Bailey asks. "Hayden asked her out!" I almost yell. Her eyes widen. I listen intently to her explanation over the phone.

"Hey, didn't you meet Ty and Nick?!" Lacey asks. Oh ya! I forgot to tell her about that! in the world did I manage to forget that?!

"Ya! Um, actually... Ty and I are going to the museum tonight...well, Bailey and Nick will be tagging along. Right Bails?" I ask her. She nods. "Ty said Nick and I could stay behind, but we can't mess up his 'special plans'- maybe I shouldn't tell you that" she laughs nervously. I laugh and shake it off.

"Ok wait. You and Ty? When-no wait. How?" Lacey asks. "Uh well, it's a looong story, but I'll tell you when you get back from Cali." I tell her. "Ok fine. I think I can wait. Wow! Izzie, this is like, you're dream! I know it's gonna be great! Well!? What are you doing still on the phone! Go get dressed up for the lucky man! Wait, one more question.... if you have kids, what will their names be?! Will you name one Lacey for me?!" I laugh. "Sure Lace. Oh! Have fun with Hayden! Hope it all goes well! I gotta go get ready though. Talk to you later!" I say and hang up.

"Well I guess we should get ready!" I say to Bailey nervously. "Ya." She responds. "Come on! I'll curl your hair!" I exclaim. She smiles and hops over to the curling wand I have and plugs it in the circuit.

"You nervous?" she asks me. "You have no idea! Gosh, I just hope he likes me as much as I like him, you know? He's just, so great! It's not even just his looks; even though- well you've seen him!" I laugh and she laughs along.

"I'm just kinda...well.. I don't really know how to explain it! He just gives me this feeling nobody else can give me! I really hope it goes as well as I imagine!"


"Nick? Does this look ok?" I ask Nick about my clothes as I walk out of the bathroom. "..ya!.." He answers. "Is that a 'Ya! It looks great Ty!' or a 'Ya it looks ok, buuuttt-'?" I ask him. I have to look great for Izzie. She seems really cool. I just want to make a good impression.

"Come here." Nick tells me. I walk closer to him and he rolls up my botton up shirt sleeves. "There! You look great! Izzie'll love you!" He says with a smile. I return it. "Thanks! I really want this to go great!" I explain to him.

"You really like this girl you've never actually met before yesterday, don't you?" he asks me. I nod while looking in the mirror. "I mean, I know I haven't known her long, but don't you ever get that feeling in the pit of your stomach and it's just like... Ahhug! You know?!" I ask hopefully.

"Ya. I also get that feeling when I'm hungry!" He laughs. I shake my head and smile at his comment. "I'm serious! She makes me feel something! I really think she might be the one!" I tell him and fix my collar. "Dude, you know you're like, 14, right?" he laughs.

"Just wait. You'll be saying that at our wedding!" I joke. He laughs and shakes his head. "Come on! Stop messing with it; you look fine! So, what you got planned for you two lovebirds tonight?" he questions. I smirk at him and start to tell him. "Well..."


A/N: Hey guys!! New chapter! It's little long for just a filler..Oh well! Hope you like! Vote and comment what you think? Love you all!

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