Car troubles in Milwaukee

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"How old are you Izzie?" Nick asks me out of the blue. "Um, thirteen." I inform him. He nods while signing the picture. He looks up and hands me the autograph with a big smile. I smile back and move out of the way for the next person.

I scooch over to Bailey who's still talking to Ty. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous... I'd give anything to talk to Ty as long as she has. They both stop talking once they see me there. "Umm, Bailey, we should probably get going." I tell her. "Uh, ya. You're right we should go." She says.

She writes something on a small peice of paper, gives it to Ty, and walks away with me back to the car. I feel my heart bubble up with jealousy. I smile at Ty before we leave. He blushes a bright red and quickly looks away.

Now I feel awful. This was supposed to be the best day ever, but instead it was awful. Just plain awful. "Uh Bails, what was on that paper you gave Ty?" I wonder at loud. "Huh? Oh! Nothing! Nothing at all!" she answers quickly. She hops in the car as fast as possible to avoid anymore conversation.

Hmm... What do you think that was about? I don't don't think she was asking out Ty, right? Well, they seemed like they really hit it off...No! Bailey would never do that to me!

The car starts up and we start to drive off. *Bump bump clump!* "What was that?" I ask my mom from the back seat. "Um I don't know.." she says, pulling over. She gets out and walks around inspecting the car.

She climbs back in after she checked out the problem. "There's something wrong with the engine. I'm going to call your dad and see if he can pick us up." She informs us on the situation. We nod and listen to the phone conversation. Apparently my dad can't pick us up. Neither can Bailey's parents.

"Ok, well, I think we have enough power to make it to the nearest hotel...we'll crash there until we can get back home." My mom says to Bailey and I. We nod and drive to the hotel we looked up online. It's a nice-ish hotel. Nice enough for just walking in with whatever money we have stuffed in our pockets.

We set our purses down on our beds and look around. It's...cozy. "So?" Bailey asks. I tilt my head at her question. "Was Ty just like you imagined?" Bailey smiles. I can't help but smile too. "Not exactly..but wow! He's so cute, and sweet, and... It's too bad I couldn't talk to him longer.." I trail off.

Bailey smirks and picks up her phone. "Nick was pretty awesome too" She says while looking at her phone. "Oh ya! You met your dream guy too! He is better looking in person" I laugh. She laughs along and nods. "You got that right! Wow it was so great!" She exclaims.

"Ya.. So great.." I say quietly to myself. Considering you gave Ty your phone number... "Hey, you girls want to go check out Milwaukee?" My mom asks. We smile and walk out into the busy streets. Bailey types something into her phone. I try to read what it says but I can't make it out.

"Who are you texting?" I ask her. She looks up, startled. "Uh nobody." she responds. I look at her suspiciously, but go with it. I don't know what's up with her, but I'm going to figure it out...


A/N: Hey guys! Hope you like this! Vote and comment what you think? More coming tomorrow!
Love you all!

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