"buy it"

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@troyesivan: connor please answer my phone call

@troyesivan: connor i need you right now

@troyesivan: connor you are all i have right now

@troyesivan: please

-timeskip 4 hours-

@connorfranta: oh my god troye im so sorry i was asleep

[incoming call from connie frannie]

[accept or decline]


"Oh my god Troye I can't tell you how sorry I am. Honestly."

"I r-ran a-away C-con."

"Troye, where are you right now?"

"I d-don't r-really k-know. I'm s-scared."

"Okay, just calm down and try to stop crying. It is distracting me."


"No don't apologize. Are you near any stores or any friend's houses?"

"M-my only friend m-moved away about t-two y-years a-ago and t-the o-only t-thing I'm n-near is an a-airport."

"Okay, we can work with that. Did you take anything with you? Money? Food? Clothes?"

"I have about f-five h-hundred dollars, and I don't r-really k-know what else I p-packed. I kind of g-grabbed w-what I c-could and l-left."

"Five hundred dollars. That's pretty good. Can you walk to the airport by any chance?"

"Yes I'm about a two minutes walk away."

"Head over there and call me back once you arrive."

"O-okay. T-thanks."

"Remember to call me ok. I really care about you Troye."

"Okay I will."

[speaker phone or hang up]

[hang up]

[incoming call from troye boy]

[answer or decline]


"So I'm here what now?"

"Well are you hungry?"

"No not really. I have kind of lost my appetite."

"Ok. What's the cheapest plane ticket you can buy?"

"To Florida. Four hundred and fifty dollars"

[yes i know this is not realistic fuk off son]

"Buy it."


[your call has ended]

@troyesivan: the plane ticket has been bought. so do i just wait now?

@connorfranta: yep. what time does the flight board?

@troyesivan: in about two hours

@connorfranta: great, not too long. what time is it in perth right now?

@troyesivan: approximately ten pm

@connorfranta: and how long is the flight?

@troyesivan: approximately eighteen hours and counting

@connorfranta: alrighty. i will he seeing you in approximately eighteen hours and counting


author's note:
i wrote this while listening to uptown funk and trap queen so it might be quite interesting

*read trash journal excerpt for my reaction to 1k reads*

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