"You're right," I say, nodding. He steps back and grabs the door, opening it wide and offering it to me. I say thank you and brush past him, unable to ignore the heat that grows within me at our proximity as I take in his musk of cedarwood.

Without sparing him a second glance, I quickly find my way back to the booth to find Chloe and Mia alone, thanking the God I don't believe in that Andrew finally took the hint. All it took was a mountain of a man to put him into his place, but I'll take it.

    "What happened to Andrew?" Chloe asks, eyeing me with curiosity.

    "He's a douche," I answer, sitting down and grabbing my drink. I watch as Aden takes a seat back at the bar, his eyes not leaving me. I try--and fail--to not shake beneath his heated gaze.

    "What were you doing out there so long? What happened?"

    "He tried to make a move on me, but I shot him down. Didn't take the hint so some guy came out and scared him off for me—"

    "Some guy? Who?!" Her eyes widen and she leans forward, her mouth falling open as she gawks at me.

    "Don't look, and don't make a scene...But he's that beautiful man over at the bar, sitting next to the woman from the bathroom. I'm sure they're a couple, so don't get your hopes—"

    She casually looks over and her eyes dart back at me, the size of saucers. "Holy shit, Lia. I don't believe in God but I'm sure that's what he would like, right?"

    "Men are gross, but that man is an exception," Mia says with a giggle, looking back at me. "How do you know he's with her?"

    "They're both beautiful, they have to be together."

    "You don't know that for sure. Did you ask him if he was single?"

    "No, Chloe, I didn't ask him if he's single. I was too busy being assaulted by the man you told me to give a chance to." She slams her mouth shut and falls back into the booth, her face twisting.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't think he would be a douchebag."

    "It's not your fault, they tend to be," I say before taking a sip of my drink. "I'm about ready to go home, though."

    "Oh..." Chloe looks at Mia and smiles slightly, before turning her attention back to me. "I was going to go home...with Mia...if that's alright."

    I nod, already prepared for this outcome. "That's fine. Just text me when you get there and in the morning, alright?"


    "I can give her a ride back in the morning, too." Mia offers, and I give her a tank you with a friendly smile. They finish their drinks quickly, excited to give each other the night of their lives before Chloe hugs me goodbye, and Mia offers me a wave.

    "Text me!" Chloe calls over her shoulder, grabbing Mia's hand and leading her from the bar. I sit back in the booth and sigh heavily.

I'm happy for my friend, I truly am, but something inside me, for the first time in two years, wishes I weren't going home alone. I look around the bar, seeing that the crowd has died a bit from earlier and the only people who remain are either couples or drunk men who can't keep their eyes straight. I catch a few of their gazes and look away quickly, not wanting to give off the wrong idea.

    On the other hand, maybe a night alone by the water is much better than taking a man home who's too drunk to even get it up, or worse, jackhammers me in missionary for two minutes just to get himself off and rolls over to fall into a drunken coma.

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