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~ Liam ~

Liam entered the court room in a orange short sleeve jump suit showing off his multiple tattoos and handcuffs wrapped around his wrist. A uniformed police officer escorted him to a seat in front of a desk facing the judge. "All raise for the honourable Michel Huston." Everybody got up from their seats and waited for the judge to allow them to sit down again. Once the judge sat down - followed by everyone else - , he began speaking.

"Liam Payne, when was the last time me spoke?" He asked before give him a small smirk.

"Three years ago." Liam mumbled in a bored tone.

"Ah, yes. When I threw you into juvie." The judge smiled as the memory came back to him.

"What's the point of this?" Liam snapped throwing darts at the judge.

"Listen, son. I want to make you a deal," Judge Michel began as Liam sat up suddenly interested in what the judge had to say. "If you go back to Silent Creek High to finish your senior year and maintain a 70 per cent average, your time in prison will be suspended."

"So, all I have to do is go back to school, and get good grades?" Liam asked.

"Yes, but there are some rules you must follow." Judge Michel warned as Liam rolled his eyes. "You must stay in school, you mustn't get into any sort of trouble, and you must join some sort of club or committee provided by the school."

Liam thought about what the judge has just informed him. He has been copped up in a cell for three years. Does he really want to say there for another three? If I agree to this deal, I will be free, but if I don't, I would stay in the same cell for three more years. Do I really want that? Liam thought.

"Deal." Liam agreed before he can have any second thoughts.

"Great, you start Monday morning. Case closed." Th judge announced before lifting his gavel and slamming it back down making everything official.

Liam was escorted out of the court room by the same officer, but this time his handcuffs were off his wrist.

Finally. He thought. I'm a free man.

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