Chapter Three-New York rally

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The Lower Manhattan American Feminists Rally meeting,

28 August, 2015,

10 o'clock am.

The three thousand strong crowd stood by while Cara Jane spoke.

"Today's world is not for us. It's for men in fancy Italian suits, and wear Brooks Brothers. And Calvin Klein underwear, because they want to show off to the world. I say that word because we're nothing in the 21st century; we're shutting down what we can say, or do; we're beyond the past. No one's a Stepford wife; no one's a nineteen-fifties house wife, who cooks, cleans, takes care of the children, and makes the bed; no one's in an era where you strive to make love to a man in bed, and that's the end; that's the end of what a woman shows what she does day in, day out.

"...In 2015, we're seeing the Internet rage about same-sex marriage. The political yearning for the world to have gay marriage on every country on Earth, won't work. You see, some countries are Muslim. And Muslim men won't allow their wives to work. The ideological framework of the cultural, religious, and economic, policies, will decide how men behave. Women are different. Changing Western culture's image of inclusion is a farce".

Suddenly a Muslim woman interrupted.

"In Afghanistan, some women do work. The religious freedoms are meant to signify freedom, not oppression. And, how can America bomb my country, when they're destroying our lives? Not everyone is a terrorist; not everyone is a radical; not everyone is a feminist. Feminism has brought hatred to men; feminism is the death of women's right to free speech".

"Free speech isn't a two-way road. Several years ago, women decided to shoot men in New York, London, and other countries, because they complained of not getting their promotions. We all work; we all make money; we all go about our daily lives working. And, for us, the future is bleak. Nothing can change".

"And how can we change when the New York Riot Squad, the New York Police Department, and Department of Homeland Security thinks they have the right to stop us".

"They can if they prove women are turning into assassins".

"We are exerting our power over men".

"No, you're abusing your rights. And letting feminists to take the blame for your crimes. We're here to inform you that the rally is cancelled".

"Cancelled. No one can stop us".

"We can".


Beth Lowe sipped her coffee.

The rally wasn't her only concern.

"You're insufferable", Tracey Harris-Payer said.

"Nothing I can do will prevent further actions".

"It's a point of relevance. Forcing men to believe women won't take it, ends the debate. If women ruled the world, and America has men to take care of them, we're dead. Of course, abusing women won't help the cause".

"The cause must continue".

"Will it make it easier for you to shoot the enemy?".

"Yes, and I'll see my lawyer once we see progress".

"Progress is a word that doesn't apply to two thousand and fifteen. All of the ads are to suppress women".

"Oh, now, we're thinking of the 'Mad Men' era, like on that TV show".

"Yes, and you're demanding change. The nineteen sixties way of advertising isn't working. Or is it? Men rule the TV lands; women don't. Some of the women run banks. Men run everything".

"Will we see a female President?".


"How can we conquer the...".

"We do what must be done. Now! And without messing about. Can you do that Tracey?".


"Good, because the final step is about to start".


Page 6.

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