"Mortal Terror" A Short Story

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Today, Amy and her family would be going to Jerry Joy’s Amusement Park! Amy was extremely excited. Her adrenaline was pumping just thinking about all the rides. She had been waiting for this day for a long time, now it was finally here. She was so excited she literally started hopping in her seat.

"Knock it off!" her brother, Marty yelled at her only half meanly. He was excited about today too.

"Stop it Amy! Your messing up my coloring," her other sibling exclaimed while punching Amy on the arm. Her five year old sister Sara Lee was coloring in one of her coloring books.

"Guess what Sara! We’re almost at the park!" Amy exclaimed as the park slowly came into view.

Amy was imagining herself on all the rides soaring through the air on a Ferris wheel and going around in circles on a carousel. Then she remembered about all the roller coasters. She shuddered to herself. Amy thought that roller coasters were horribly unsafe and terrifyingly scary. No way would anybody get here on one of those death traps. Her thoughts were interrupted as the car abruptly stopped. Finally, they were at the amusement park!

Once they got there wrist bands and were in the park Amy got this warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach. She always did when she saw all the rides! Amy was just about to grab her mom’s hand and drag her on to the closest ride when her mom said something that made Amy want to cry.

"Marty you will be taking care of Amy today. Me and your dad have to take care of Sara Lee.", her mom told Marty seriously."You better not do anything to your sister Marty or you’ll never hear the end of it."

Both Marty and Amy let out a huge over exaggerated sigh. Neither of them thought this was a good idea. Amy and her brother didn’t get along very well. Marty wanted to do different things than Amy. Marty wanted to ride the scariest rides in the park, not the carousel like Amy did. Her brother was in a bad mood now. He grabbed Amy by her arm and yanked her away, not even trying to be remotely gentle to his poor little sister. Amy just knew then and there that her day that was supposed to be extremely fun was ruined.

Finally, Marty let go of Amy’s arm and Amy fell down on the walkway with a sigh. Amy was practically in tears by now, why was her big brother so mean? He wouldn’t let her stop to ride any of the rides or even go to the bathroom. Marty picked her up by her arm again, half carrying half dragging her. Amy wasn’t even paying attention now; she was so filled with anger and sadness. Marty must’ve dragged her all the way to the other side of the park. Soon all her anger disappeared, and replaced with pure terror. She had just looked up, to see that her brother had pulled her into the line for Mortal Terror, the biggest scariest rollercoaster in the whole park!

"No, no, no, no," She told her brother her voice gradually rises as she speaks.. Her head was spinning; they were already only three carts away from there turn.

"Man up!" Marty muttered. Her brother isn’t even paying attention to Amy now; he was looking at the ride longingly.

"But I’m not tall enough to go on the ride. Look at the sign there." Amy told him with a superior attitude. She thought she had won this battle, because she truly wasn’t tall enough for the ride.

"Whatever, I’ll just lift you up a little. That’s what all the short people do!" He explained to her.

Amy decided there was no way to win this battle. She was going to have to just ride it! Now there was only one more person in front of them. When the person loaded the cart Amy realized that her brother had put her in the line for the front row. As the next coaster pulled in Amy was thrust in the air two feet higher than normal. The man didn’t even notice. This gave Amy a bad feeling. If a man can’t see that a girl was being hoisted in the air how does he know about the rollercoaster’s safety? Soon she felt her brother dragging her into one of the side seats. He sat down next to her. It’s an inverted rollercoaster! Her feet dangled higher than everyone else’s feet.

The intercom came to life, "Five, four , three , two , one, here we go!"

Amy lets out a blood curling scream! She was being pulled up a huge hill in this oversized hunk of metal. Soon she was going down and in loops and all over. Hey this isn’t too bad she thought to her self. All of a sudden she heard a squeaking noise and the cart slowed to a stop. Amy and her brother are dangling at the top of the biggest hill on the ride. Even her brother’s face went white! Amy almost wished she could die then and there. She counted mentally, one two three... Finally the coaster creaked back to life. When Amy and her brother pulled into the station Amy hopped off the ride as soon as the safety bar comes up. To her big brothers surprise she smiled. She thought that the stopping was part of the ride! She asked her brother if they could go again! This time her brother suggests the Merry-Go-Round.

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